Big tank Ich issue


New member
Yesterday I noticed a clown tang had white spots which he managed to remove by rubbing himself against rock and other substrate. Today I went out and picked up a tank to setup a quarantine. My questions are how do I kill the ich in the dt after I have removed all the fish? How do I setup a quarantine tank? Do I keep the filtration simple and only use sponges? Is hyposalnity the best method used for treating ich in the quarantine tank? All this info will really help. Thanks.

I have learned a valuable lesson.
I wouldnt worry about treating the tank.

Ich requires a host to survive, with no host, it will die out. I would remove all the fish into quarantine tanks, and leave the DT unoccupied for about 8 weeks to let the Ich die out...

As far as the inhabitants, it depends, what type of fish do you have? Some are more sensitive when to medications then others. I would probably do either hyposalinity, or a fw dip.
Ive had this happen in mu 210 only thing you can do is cath the fish and qt...
I learned my lesson if its not qt'd its not goin in period good luck
If it is only one Acanthurus Tang in the entire tank showing signs of ich I wouldn't do anything but feed the fish a lot of healthy food. The fishes own immune system will fight off the ich over time. It may still be in the tank, but you won't see it often.
If you do setup a QT to treat ich, it needs to be a huge QT to fit ALL of your fish and FULLY cycled first. How many fish are in this Big Tank and how big is the Clown Tang? A clown tang with other fish in a QT sounds to me like a good chance of making things worse. Unless the QT is huge and completely cycled enough to handle your fish load.
Ive spent already 6 weeks cycling my tank, and completely forgot to cycle a QT tank... what should I do? Do I have to wait for 6 more weeks to cycle a QT to start getting fish?
I have 14 fish mostly small to medium size.

Black cap basslet (1)
Mystery Wrasse (1)
Clown fish (3)
Mandarin Goby (1)
Clown Tang (1)
Teniti Tang (1)
Lemon mimic Tang (1)
CBB (1)
Chromis (3)
Diamond Goby (1)

The QT is 24 gallons, I think it maybe too small to house the fish for 8 weeks, unless I do a crazy amount of water changes. I was going to use some of the DT's water and some sponge filters from the sump to kick start the cycle for at least 1 month.
I have 14 fish mostly small to medium size.

Black cap basslet (1)
Mystery Wrasse (1)
Clown fish (3)
Mandarin Goby (1)
Clown Tang (1)
Teniti Tang (1)
Lemon mimic Tang (1)
CBB (1)
Chromis (3)
Diamond Goby (1)

The QT is 24 gallons, I think it maybe too small to house the fish for 8 weeks, unless I do a crazy amount of water changes. I was going to use some of the DT's water and some sponge filters from the sump to kick start the cycle for at least 1 month.

Don't do it! You will end up killing everything in that 24-gallon tank. Feed healthy keep your water parameters up and see how the Clown tang does.
Don't do it! You will end up killing everything in that 24-gallon tank. Feed healthy keep your water parameters up and see how the Clown tang does.

I agree. I wouldn't stress the fish out any more than they already were/are. Keep them well fed, provide a cleaner shrimp or two if you can, do 10-20% water changes every 3-4 days. And don't make ANY tank changes. Don't move rocks, don't add more fish, maybe reduce the lights a little. Just let the tank 'chill' for about 8 weeks. Add garlic to the food. I love Rogger's food and so do my fish!
will that kill the ich in the tank or just reduce the signs of it? non of the other fish show signs of ich just the clown.
I agree. I wouldn't stress the fish out any more than they already were/are. Keep them well fed, provide a cleaner shrimp or two if you can, do 10-20% water changes every 3-4 days. And don't make ANY tank changes. Don't move rocks, don't add more fish, maybe reduce the lights a little. Just let the tank 'chill' for about 8 weeks. Add garlic to the food. I love Rogger's food and so do my fish!

will that kill the ich in the tank or just reduce the signs of it? non of the other fish show signs of ich just the clown.
i agree with doing nothing. the stress of changing tanks would increase the problem. when ever i add a new fish to my system, one of the tangs gets ich. with in a couple days it goes away....
just did another water change yesterday. And tested my water w/ Salifert test kits

Temp 78.5
ph 8.2
Mg 13500
Ca 460
Are all of the fish eating? Mainly the clown tang as they are notorious for not eating. If they are eating, then feed them something to boost there immune system and/or mix metronidazole into their food and do not stress them out any more than necessary.