Bimac feasting pic

To give you an idea of her size, she is in a tank 72 long by 20 inches wide and 24 inches tall. She takes up the whole 20 inches wide when in feed mode. so cool!
Don't really know, I saved it from death off the coast of CA. last month.
Would 1 year be an intelligent guess? Or do you think she is older.
That sounds about right, it's one of the biggest I've seen in captivity. Was it pretty small when you got it? I just recently got a baby, I'm guessing she's about 3-4 months old...2" mantle and about 3" arms.
ps you said saved it from so?
she was this size, I just got her a month or two ago.
I saved her from going into the intake water supply near the pier.
Can anyone estimate the age of this octo?