Bio-load for 180.... High, med, low.... what you think?


New member
I was having a conversation with a fellow reefer and I mentioned that I thought my bioload in my tank was to the max. My friend was trying to convince me that I had a medium bioload....

What would you rate it as?

1 purple tang-6 inches

2 yellow tangs-5 inches each

1 Tomini- 4 1/2 inches

1 magestic foxface- 6 inches

1 six line wrasse- 3 inches

3- convict gobies- 5 inches each.

2- cleaner shrimp

25- hermits/snails-.

mixed reef with softies, lps, and some sps
+ 1 medium, no more large fish. In my 120 I'm, down to one Tang. Sold the other two.
Been filling in with fish 3" or so. You can get more of a variety with smaller guys.