Biocount too high?


New member
I currently have:

1. Bicolor Dwarf
2. True Percula
3. Black Cap Basslet

If possible, I'd like to add:
1. Green Mandarin Goby
2. Flame Hawkfish
3. Sixline Wrasse

Possible or no?

60 gallon tank, 85lbs of live rock. 3" sandbed. Lot's of pods.
Here's a website that I have found usefull, Its a fish compatability thing, all you do is choose your tank size and then you start choosing fish, it tells you quick facts about the fish and good things to know about it, and then you see what else is compatable with the fish you have already choosen. It's a cool website so hope it helps...

Here you go

Fish Selector

Let me know what you think
Your current amount doesnt seem to be too much. Has your tank been up and going for a long time? If not I would stay away from the Mandrin all together. (actually from what I've read your system is probably too small to support a mandrin) As for the other two add one, wait a few weeks for your system to catch up with the added bio-load, and if everything seems ok add the other.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6987377#post6987377 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bjonesjr1
Here's a website that I have found usefull, Its a fish compatability thing, all you do is choose your tank size and then you start choosing fish, it tells you quick facts about the fish and good things to know about it, and then you see what else is compatable with the fish you have already choosen. It's a cool website so hope it helps...

Here you go

Fish Selector

Let me know what you think
I've used that, I chose the 55-75 gallon calculator. Apparently I can fit 5 - 7 fish in there.

I'm just wondering, with a 60 gallon, would I be able to get away with 6 fish?

They also don't have my basslet on that list.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6987387#post6987387 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lvpd186
Your current amount doesnt seem to be too much. Has your tank been up and going for a long time? If not I would stay away from the Mandrin all together. (actually from what I've read your system is probably too small to support a mandrin) As for the other two add one, wait a few weeks for your system to catch up with the added bio-load, and if everything seems ok add the other.
I do have a lot of pods for a Mandarin to feast on.
I know their list of fish is not to great but its the best I could do... glad to see that it kinnda helped.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6987448#post6987448 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bjonesjr1
I know their list of fish is not to great but its the best I could do... glad to see that it kinnda helped.
It helped. Thank you, sir. :rollface:
I don't like that thing, cause it lets you put 5 tangs in a 'medium' size tank, but it is good for figuring out tankmates... unless you put a puffer in the selection, cause then you can get inverts and corals with it too ;) ok, I tried the small tank, did ya know 3 tangs can fit into a 30 gallon tank?

not for 'my tank is this big, will this be ok?' type questions, actually, not very practical at all...

that said, I like iyour list, all but the mandarin... so I agree with what others have said.. go ahead and pick out another fish, just not a mandarin.
How come you guys are opposing my choice of a mandarin?

Is there something I don't have that a mandarin would need?
The mandarin is a voracious eater and will consume every pod you see within a month. It takes them a long time to starve to death, up to a year. Also the sixline will be in competition with the mandarin for the pods.

there ARE people with frozen eating mandarins, but they are VERY few and far between... they exclusively eat pods, which in a 60 gallon there just isn't enough rock or a big enough refugium to support the pod population for long... ok, maybe you can get a big enough refugium...
I guess I'll stay away from the Sixline then. What other fish would you suggest? I prefer one that would chill at the bottom in the sandbed like the Mandarin.
So, I updated my fish list:

1. Bi-Color Dwarf
2. True Percula Clown
3. Black Cap Basslet
4. Blue Spotted Jawfish
5. Flame Hawkfish
6. Sixline Wrasse

What do you think?
you can afford that fish!!! WOW!!! otherwise, great choice... make sure you cover your tank for him, so if he tries to jump before he settles in, he won't carpet surf.
oh, that should be done for MOST of your tank list... you got some jumpers.

oh, and that thing: I just don't like it as much... you can get the same 'feel' for what fish can do and go where by reading on here for a few days!!!
yes, I have a canopy so they don't go carpet surfing, haha.

thanks for your input, swanwillow. The Blue Spotted Jawfish is very pretty. I just hope he's available at local fish stores! I really dislike to buy livestock online.