Biocube 14g / Ricordia only tank?


New member
I picked up a 1 month old biocube 14g system (free!) with the stock 48w pc lighting. I was thinking of setting up a small ricordia only tank. What do you guys think - enough lighting? Any tips or comments?

I've kept rics before in larger setups with many different lighting setup with good success in each case.

My only thought is that wouldn't be enough light but I don't have a 14gallon BC with the standard lighting so hopefully someone who as it will chime in.
I'd say you're fine with the lighting... that lighting over a 14gal is good.
Just remember to a power head or something for circulation.
I have a 13 gallon tank mushroom/yuma/ric tank with a 20" coralife pc compact over it and everything looks great and is growing fine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11435059#post11435059 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chillman
I have a 13 gallon tank mushroom/yuma/ric tank with a 20" coralife pc compact over it and everything looks great and is growing fine.

Is that the 20'' 96 watt pc fixture?
def enough .. don't worry about all these guys sayin u neeed 612347234724 watts over a 14 gallon .. they'll live and they'll inflate too.

quote:Originally posted by chillman
I have a 13 gallon tank mushroom/yuma/ric tank with a 20" coralife pc compact over it and everything looks great and is growing fine.

Is that the 20'' 96 watt pc fixture?

Yes thats the one. I'm very happy with it.
I think with the 48 watts of pc over a 14 BC you will want the rics near the top, in the top 1/3 of the tank.

Like SAPseven and currentking said, it'll be enough light for them to live but they probably won't grow that much. You will want to upgrade later on.
I have a Biocube 14 and I did the nanocustoms 3.24 upgrade

I have two rics among lots of other mushrooms in the tank and they are just fine.

I count three rics, two floridia and one yuma. Not much room for growth, but nice tank. Watchout that anthelia will spread over anything (even other corals) and at least in my tank, it spreads fast. And what is that on the sand to the left of the brain coral? It looks like a torch....
Actually 2 rics, about 15 yuma's on that rock are lots of little baby ones, some fuzzy purple and blue mushrooms, some purple and blue ones no idea what they are called and some white and green ones on the side and some more green and blueish ones infront. If you count the little baby yuma's on that rock I would say around 20-25 mushrooms. Only names I know are the Rics and Yuma's the other mushrooms I just don't know what they are called other than the colors :)

"anthelia" do you mean the pink things in the sand? Sorry when I got them they had no idea what they were called, so neither do i. I do know if I get my calcium up a little more than it is right now they will die off very easy.

Yes that is a torch and its since been moved to another tank, the brain is about twice that size now. That picture is about a month/month and half old. I got a new Red Seamax for Thanksgiving/Xmas and since have moved a few things from the 14 to it.

I couldn't help myself packing it, there is a local store here in Phx, that sells nano frags for $15 and sometimes they get nice pieces in and have no idea what they have. So I snagged up all kinds and packed it in, knowing I would get a new tank soon.
Yes the pink things in the sand to the right of the brain and on the rock above on the right of the brain is anthelia. Some stores call it blue xenia but it's not xenia. It can however takeover like xenia does.
I'm considering running this tank "open-top" and lighting with a MH bulb. Any comments on 70W or 150W?

I have one of the jbj 12 g. and a bio cube 29 gallon, both with stock pc lighting. I am fine with rics of any kind. As the king said above, they will expand and color up. Won't grow quickly at all.