Biocube 32 LED stock Light supplementation


New member
Hi guys and gals. I apologize in advance for my rambling here. And I may be attempting to grow things together which should be left in separate aquariums, a situation such as this. But, here it goes.... I have searched high and low for some guidance regarding recommendations for supplementing the LED stock lighting in my 32 gallon biocube. Results have left me questioning weather the blue LEDs in the stock lighting are true actinics or just blue led lights. Additiinally, I am now wondering if adding actinic led strips, that fit under the hood will add too much light or make no difference at all. And, if I add an actinic led strip, should I add another white led strip as well? Thought about searching for some kind of small fluorescent or MH fixture that might work without heating up the water, but seems I would have to remove the hood for anything like that to work. I Would like to grow some digitata at the top without frying my shrooms and Cyphastrea, in the lower 1/3rd. Seems like Kessill and Radion would not work unless I removed the canopy all together for that as well. Has anybody supplemented the stock lighting in a biocube or other small aquarium without removing the canopy? Or do any of you have a recommendation for led strips that would actually make a difference in a situation like this? The LFS consultants told me to just try the Digitata and see if they do well. But all of my research on the care of Digitata imply that the LED stock lighting in the biocube will not suffice. šŸ˜© Any input would be greatly appreciated.
A actintic led strip would be beneficial. Without removing the hood you have the strips or a Steve's led retrofit or something similar as options. I would look in the nano reef section of this forum, people there have done anything and everything you will want to know with lighting in their biocubes.
Thank you

Thank you

I looked at Steve's. Definitely something I would be interested in, after my current lights get some more hours out on them.