

New member
Well i am gonna try this new (kinda old) stuff on the market. After many hours of research online and talking with some people who used it I am trying the BioPellets out instead of vodka, sugar, gfo, and carbon dosing. I have a mess of hair algae and with luck and this new stuff should make it disappear after a 3 to 4 week period. though i have heard people ranting after only a weeks time of use so we shall see. enclosed is the first day and a rock with hair algae to mark the progress of this. also i couldnt help my self but i saw a cute tiger watchmen goby and had to pick him up too while I was at the LFS.

so here is day one picture
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A friend of mine (ok, several) are using it and their chaeto died from lack of nutrients lol. Working as intended :p Be sure to use it in a reactor so that it doesn't turn into a ball of glue.
the NBX i think its called from Two little Fishies Co., got it from Rob's store which is the same formula of the PHA so i hear
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Keep us posted on how it works. I have been looking into a carbon and GFO reactor. Also thinking about a biopellet reactor. It would be great to see how well the biopellets work. I have battled hair algae for over a year. I got a sea hare and it cleared it up. Then the sea hare died and it all came back. Water changes and general maintenance doesn't seem to help.
I always find it fascinating that such different methods can all work for keeping coral. I generally go for as much stuff in the water column as possible and run a sump with algae and no skimmer. The probiotic method you are trying is really the exact oposite -- working to minimize what's in the water column. I saw a nice article on probiotics in a recent Coral Mag you might be interested in. Turns out it is on their website too. (If RC erases that PM me for the link)
Hey I had npx or NBx or whatever biopelets from TLF's also but am switching to ecobak because the other biopelets failed. This is what my Lfs told me if I wanna succeed with what your using....
When you use the other biopellets you have to wait for bacteria to colonize for 4 weeks which the process actually increases nitrates, and phosphates but when they colonize they shoot to zero even without protein skimmer on! But that drastic change also stresses corals. But after acclimated they are very helpful but it's usually the process that has aquarists backing out and hating these biopellets. Thus the saying was made. You get what you put into it.

I just don't wanna wait for colonization, I want instant lowering of the phos, and nitr, so i switched, good luck though!
I always find it fascinating that such different methods can all work for keeping coral. I generally go for as much stuff in the water column as possible and run a sump with algae and no skimmer. The probiotic method you are trying is really the exact oposite -- working to minimize what's in the water column. I saw a nice article on probiotics in a recent Coral Mag you might be interested in. Turns out it is on their website too. (If RC erases that PM me for the link)
are u referring to the algae turf scrubber? good reading thank you.
Hey I had npx or NBx or whatever biopelets from TLF's also but am switching to ecobak because the other biopelets failed. This is what my Lfs told me if I wanna succeed with what your using....
When you use the other biopellets you have to wait for bacteria to colonize for 4 weeks which the process actually increases nitrates, and phosphates but when they colonize they shoot to zero even without protein skimmer on! But that drastic change also stresses corals. But after acclimated they are very helpful but it's usually the process that has aquarists backing out and hating these biopellets. Thus the saying was made. You get what you put into it.

I just don't wanna wait for colonization, I want instant lowering of the phos, and nitr, so i switched, good luck though!
bro i dont see how you gotta wait 4 weeks for bacteria to colonize which you already should have that colony if you started to tank right. bio pellets are a form of carbon dosing, ie vodka, sugar those kind of things to help export excess nutrients, the brs website states it as this "PHA is a natural substance produced by bacteria to store carbon and energy which makes it the ideal solid carbon source for denitrifying bacteria in the aquarium. BRS bio pellets are produced by a leader in the industry, designed specifically for denitrification in aquaria and we believe it to be the best product available. Use of bio pellets will also remove phosphates, combined with wise food selections it can be the only type of phosphate control required." and i dont see how your phosphates gonna shoot to zero with no exporting of it. not to start a fight i wish me luck too and we will see what happens. my understanding like vodka dosing not only is it supposed to help the bacteria by giving it an energy boost but also bonds with the nitrate/phosphate molecules to export them via skimmer and not just the usual water changes.
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and just to clear up any misgivings my readings are

PH 8.4
sg 1.026
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
phosphate 0
calc 460
dkh 8

so day two all is at least not crashing or having ill effects, no dent in hair, no more growth of hair algae that i can see as well
if water really is showing 0 nutrients, it is likely to be bound in the rocks and a pain to deal with. The biopellets me be a little more forthcoming.
just wondering if the Nbx or whatever TLF is calling it is the the same exact chemical comp. and the BRS pellets? if not then the BRS pellets may "setup" quicker/slower..?
same 100% PHA or whatever and both say 3-4 week will drop your nitrates and phosphates. but everyone i talk to who has used it say they see a drop in algae in a week or so. plus tony i think my phosphate readings are false since i do have the hair algae and its bound up in the algae not free floating but all is low enough for everything to thrive even the dreaded algae lol. so we shall see though if it does what they claim.
One thing that might help, is regular "basting" of the rock/algae tuffs to suspend particulates/detritus.
got that with my flow there is only two spots (which are caves) that detritus seems to settle and i suck that up every saturday. and its not a lot to begin with so really i am at a loss with this plus my chaeto seems to die lol yet there is another type of macro that is living so i am confused as all get out. noticed today when i got home from work a spot on one rock is actually becoming pale so maybe its working?
by nature of rock and tuffs, even without dead spots, you can get stuff collecting in the macroscopic pores of rocks. Give it a brief water blast and you'll see what I mean

(one of many lessons I've learned the hard way lol)

Keep us posted though :-D I might have to dive into BPs.
ya i know what ya mean i did that yesterday and i was like where the heck did that come from so i did a mini water change lol about a gallon of gunk i pulled out just from the hairy rocks
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here is day 3 pic for **** n giggles

I dont see a difference maybe u guys can the only difference i do see is the other rocks the growth has stopped it seems and on two rocks the algae is getting paler in color
Keep on going. Results may take a bit to be obvious. Keep an eye on your skimmer as its load should start dramatically increasing.