
so two days ago i got another tiger watchman goby, this one lives in a hole under my rock. he is doing quite well. still a lil shy but he is learning where the food comes from and what time of day already.
so saturday im placing an order with live aquaria im definitely getting a sea hare this algae is killing me. its trashing my tank yet my tests are coming up 0's. though my copepods, anthropod population is taking off like a storm though so thats good.
so saturday im placing an order with live aquaria im definitely getting a sea hare this algae is killing me. its trashing my tank yet my tests are coming up 0's. though my copepods, anthropod population is taking off like a storm though so thats good.

Let me know how the Sea Hare works for you :) Be sure to cover up anything it can get sucked into (like pumps). They aren't the brightest critters :p

Also, the pods are probably thriving now with the Reef Nutrition food :)
Let me know how the Sea Hare works for you :) Be sure to cover up anything it can get sucked into (like pumps). They aren't the brightest critters :p

Also, the pods are probably thriving now with the Reef Nutrition food :)

yep so is the algae lmao. i thought i overfed to begin with now add that into the mix and im all messed up, but stuff is thriving which is awesome by far dude.
well i hate to say it but i found the problem with my hair algae and its new found growth spurt. my anemone had taken to hiding and died. poor thing. i saw a spike in ammonia and freaked out. did some water changes and said **** it. im looking under this rock for the anemone and found it dead mouth full on open and stunk to high heaven. it looked like someone had been picking at it now if thats the cause or if they picked at it after death i dont know. did a 40% water change got the ammonia down and in two days the algae is brown so cleaning that up as the days go by. someone tell me do they really have a cleaning crew set up like 1 snail per gallon of water?
NO, this is the old philosophy ..IDK if anyone really follows this anymore..problem is 1.hermit crabs will kill the snails to get their shell .2. once all the algae is under control the inverts start to starve out and then pow you have more nutrients when they start to die off..
You may not want to add anything else to your tank for a few weeks to let everything stabilize
yep and got new test kits and already ammonia at 0 nitrates at .05 and phos at 0 guess i caught it in time? but still waiting a week minimum before i order anything new cept maybe some snails i may get some before then. but please hold onto those mushrooms for me at least 1 week 2 if possible.
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ty and yea it does but its on the up n up so i caught in time this round gonna wait at least 6 months before i try again. also learned alot from this round found an article plus gomers advice about silversides that states those have perservatives that can kill the anemone in the long run even after rinsing and sizing. so wish i had read that article to begin with. took gomers advice on mysis n such and only fed small pieces of silversides every other week but still may have been part of the downfall.
wow can it get any browner? so im just pulling and pulling and pulling and ya know what im pulling some more almost got it off all the freakin rock cept two now. and its like a rust color brown now amazing. algae is just simply amazing. i respect this stuff by far and its cute in its own lil way. still has to go though.....well most of it anyways i hope i get to keep a patch or two cuz it is really pretty when you just have one patch waving in the current and a blue leg hermit comes through it like on safari. lmao
for those of you running a reactor any special placement u have it running into and outta? just plain curiosity on my side.
since im home today did some reading after i cleaned up the tank a bit and found a 20 gallon water change after i ended up sucking all the dead algae out, well not all but most of it im sure i missed a spot or two but stopped after i realized thats 20 gallons. an algae bloom is expected with the bio pellets as the bacteria colonizes, yada yada. so another thing learned today because i had the time. one reason starting with 1/4 of the amount recommended on tank size is a good start. so now im up to 1/2 the recommended amount and oddly im liking the bio pellets. still to early to tell if they are helping the tank or if i would recommend this product to others. but as time progresses it may show its beneficial vs carbon dosing.
so on a clean up crew is it really recommended 1 snail a gallon? im nowhere near that i need like 40-50 more and seriously considering 50 more snails the 25-30 i got now seem to keep up long as it aint blooming seriously like it was when i first started and the anemone died.
so on a clean up crew is it really recommended 1 snail a gallon? im nowhere near that i need like 40-50 more and seriously considering 50 more snails the 25-30 i got now seem to keep up long as it aint blooming seriously like it was when i first started and the anemone died.

In my experience you are going to have a lot of dead snails on your hands once the tank settles down and the algae goes away. I think snails that can breed in your tank to match the food available are the best choice. Cerith, Columbellid, Stomatella, Collonista and some Turbo snails fall into this category. Cerith are the only ones of this group that I've been able to find locally.

The site below has more information on snails that will breed in our tanks:
In my experience you are going to have a lot of dead snails on your hands once the tank settles down and the algae goes away. I think snails that can breed in your tank to match the food available are the best choice. Cerith, Columbellid, Stomatella, Collonista and some Turbo snails fall into this category. Cerith are the only ones of this group that I've been able to find locally.

The site below has more information on snails that will breed in our tanks:
yea thats what i was afraid of but we will see what happens eh.
so updating i find cyano everywhere after all rocks clean of hair algae. well it looks like cyano feels like cyano tests little high on nitrates .05 phosphates .05 as well assuming worse since this bloom. also key note bio pellets clumped up today so rinsed and got em all moving again. average. coral and livestock all at a lost will water change tomorrow cleaned up cyano off the sand bed easy enough just peels off. ive never had it this bad of a problem. anyone got suggestions to do?