birdnest growth pattern question


New member
lately my birdnests (pink and green) have been receding. None of my other corals are showing any signs of "discomfort"

The birdnest skin recedes from the bottom and fade to a white. In some cases they expose skeleton, its a slow recession from base up.

I dont know if its a normal thing, like inner branches that are shadowed by the light dying out.

Both are placed really high in the tank, 10+ inches from the 2 250w MH. I know its not too intense because they show great PE and color. the only problem is the recession from the base.

Any suggestions?

ammonia/nitrate/nitrite should be around zero, but I'll check. I doubt they are the problem or all the corals would be showing signs.
ph 8
alk 8
temp 77-80
I think it is common, probably lower light and flow, the coral gives up that part. Is it receding faster than it is growing?
The colony it self is alot bigger than when I first got it. but the recession has started these past few months.