Birdsnest Care


New member
Hey guys.

Just got hold of a very nice, delicate, pink birdsnest.

What kind of lighting and flow do these guys like? Any other advice on taking good care of it?

I have mine under 250w 12Ks, URI VHOs and med. flow..It grows like a weed, very fast grower.
Is it placed high or low in the tank? I have 3x250W Ushio 14K's + 2x165w VHO actinics. I got it today and placed it about 18" below the lights and it has no direct flow on it, just gentle indirect flow.
It's a good size, but the branches are so delicate. Do the branches thicken as it grows?
Not to steal the post sorry, but mine seems to have browned and stalled, what position/flow do they like? Please elaborate.

I have noticed many in stores, some with good enviroments, Atlantis in Fremont,CA, where the tips are brown, is this common?
I have mine directly under 10,000k XM MH. With high flow going across it to keep the branches clean.

i keep my pink birdsnest up high (250w 14k hqi) . the flow is med to high. and it grows fast. i just bought a purple birdsnest and put it in the same prams. we'll see how it does. good luck!
Brown tips are bad.. tips should be white as it is growth.. I would put it up on med-high flow so the flow will blow any algea that grows on the tips.
Yes, but too much direct and fierce flow can also damage the skin of the coral, which will then turn brown also.
Short of putting the coral in direct stream with a powerhead these guys like a good current. Brittle thin branches is a product of not having enough flow.

For example I received my first frag of birdsnest from a HQI and PC user with a total wattage higher than mine, but it was getting low flow, and the poor frag was as brown as you know what. I made sure it recieved the similar positioning of light intensity but bumped the flow up, now I have beautifull pink base with purplish polyps.


Gotta love it! Just food for thought.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7158558#post7158558 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Justin74
Brittle thin branches is a product of not having enough flow.


Gotta love it! Just food for thought.


I disagree..for example, mine (the one in the picture i posted) is a Seriatopora hystrix, yours seems like something else. The colony where mine came from is from a good friend of mine that has an AMAZING lack of flow anywhere. The mother colony has the same structure and has bright purple polyps.
Thanks, I was just wondering because mine is under 150DE HQI about 12" from the uv glass. It is in decent flow, but I was wondering if I should leave it or move into better flow and closer to the light. I know sometimes, SPS will stall and have problems, but will perk up in the end.

I have a milli and an acro, in less direct flows and locations that are growing like weeds. Which creates my confusion.

The birdsnest is below the middle chromis in this older pic. Since then the ViaAqua is to the right of the overflow with no attachments, and two 820 Seios have been added, to replace the other smaller powerheads, pointed at from opposite sides into that SPS area, so flow shouldn't be a problem.
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Granted, I would have gone with the 250s of the Aqualight pro, but got it before they were offered. I was hoping there was a coversion kit that would be offered, but I doubt it. (I didn't think the differences between a 150W bulb vs a 250W bulb would be that much different, short of a ballast, but they say they are)
Oh yeah, thats a dim picture.....

Anyway, I know 150W is on the low side, but they are HQI DE's which are supposed to be more intense than SE, so based on that fact and that the light is 4" off the water on a 75 gal, I think I have enough. Granted, it don't have great intensity, but am in the ballpark, which should get the suckers to grow, which the other are. Where is the guy growing all kinds of SPS under PC's when I need him......:D
HQI being stronger than SE isnt a fact, that statement is overspeculated theres alot of info on it if you search DE vs SE type threads

Bump up the lighting, do you know the PAR rating on the bulb?

go 250W girly man!;) its better here
From my understanding there are a couple different species of birdsnest. There is a thin branched one and a thick branched one. I have both in my tank and they are both doing great under my lighting. The thin birdsnest is about 10" under the lights and sits in a med/high flow area. The thick birdsnest is probably 12" under the lights and is in a high flow area during the day and low flow area at night. It has had literally 50 tiny branches stem from the 5" frag that I got 6 weeks ago. I also dose with bionic 2 part calcium/alkalinity every other day which I have seen make a huge difference.