Birdsnest Care

Yep, i can think of 6 off the top of my now we know *"Brittle thin branches is a product of not having enough flow" is not true.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7158714#post7158714 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iReef69
I disagree..for example, mine (the one in the picture i posted) is a Seriatopora hystrix, yours seems like something else. The colony where mine came from is from a good friend of mine that has an AMAZING lack of flow anywhere. The mother colony has the same structure and has bright purple polyps.

Funny part is when your disagreeing with me your actually confirming what I suggested by your friend and "no lack of flow anywhere..."

But I agree that it may not necessarily be the case but to say flow doesnt contribute to the growth rates and pattern is not my opinion but just a plain ol' fact.Undisputable ;) And thats why I suggested it as such, if branches of any sps are more brittle than normal that would be one of the first things to check durring a trouble shoot of the situation. So it may not be true in this specific case(which I still think it is ;)) to say its not a true statement in its entirety is not entirely true either:)

But, again im only suggesting possibilities,not indefinates let alone to antagonize an argument ;)

Nope, you said "brittle and thin branches" are a product of a lack of flow. Read again. "Brittle and thin branches" = a different type of birdsnest.
Here's a pic of mine

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7166023#post7166023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iReef69
Nope, you said "brittle and thin branches" are a product of a lack of flow. Read again. "Brittle and thin branches" = a different type of birdsnest.

If someone is complaining how there branches are thin and brittle when they know they should be more stout and firm,yes flow may be a likely culprit.

If someone is unfamiliar with the frag or colony theyve aquired and say that it has thin and brittle branches both could be correct. Either its species specific and just grows naturally that way, or theres something amiss with water quality,light, or flow.

Are we done playing semantics yet?:p

This particular one I have had a few broken branches during shipment. Should I throw those away or keep them? So far I just stashed the frew broken branches inside the nest area. I'm wondering if the'll grow or if they'll brown out.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7166399#post7166399 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Justin74
If someone is complaining how there branches are thin and brittle when they know they should be more stout and firm,yes flow may be a likely culprit.

If someone is unfamiliar with the frag or colony theyve aquired and say that it has thin and brittle branches both could be correct. Either its species specific and just grows naturally that way, or theres something amiss with water quality,light, or flow.

Are we done playing semantics yet?:p


I will agree . I took one of my birdsnests and stuffed it in a low flow area . It got thinner...Moved it back into the flow .....It got thicker.........Almost all acros will do this......
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7166911#post7166911 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FSOL
This particular one I have had a few broken branches during shipment. Should I throw those away or keep them? So far I just stashed the frew broken branches inside the nest area. I'm wondering if the'll grow or if they'll brown out.
yes, it will fuse together...or just mount the broken piece somewhere else for safe keeping ..
Here is a frag I had:

It was originally under VHO, then I upgraded to a 250w MH HQI pendant over my 58g. The photo was taken after it had been under my VHO, and it had come from a VHO-lit tank.
In my experience, they do change shape depending on flow. They don't require much light to grow. In my tank at least, it takes them a month or two to acclimate and then they grow very rapidly

March 05


March 05


my ora pink birdsnest hates growing or something. all my other corals grow fine, my birdsnest is a midget.
Dkle, I have those same exact Birds Nests in my tank...My pink is growing MUCH faster than the green one is though. Both of yours seem to be doing great!
guys for some reason the tips of my pink birdsnest are getting brownish. I have it at the top part of the tank where it gets lots of light and it also gets very good (probably very high) flow on it. I don't know why it's still getting brown tips.
What am I doing wrong?
When I saw your coral, it looked very bleached. I think your gonna need some TLC and some patience. I wouldve suggested starting lower in your placement and gradually move it up over a period of 2 weeks to your desired location. But now that its there, the patient part necessitates here. When I first got mine it was a dark brown, then went to light brown with some pink subtleties, then full blown pink, but it was a span of over a couple months. The condition it was in looks like it just needs time to recover some lost zooxanthella so browning wouldnt be abnormal in that case if it were true.

In the pic I posted it lookes almost white, but in real life the branches are light pink and as they go up they get lighter and the tips are eventually white. I don't know if it is bleached or it's just at a very young stage. I can try to take pics later today and post its current condition. Some of the tips are dark brown while some parts of the lower branches have light brown coloration, which to me looks like algae deposit.
I'm lost though, cuz there's so much flow on it. Maybe the flow is too much and it's going through RTN?

Oh, and what does TLC mean?