BK Mini 160 vs SRO XP1000sss


New member
Hi Jeremy-

I'm putting together a 50gal cube with a ~30gal sump. I was thinking about the xp1000, but then I noticed you had the Mini 160 on sale and it got me thinking.... :eek1:

Will the 160 overskim for my system? Aside from build quality, how does it compare with the xp1000?

Thanks in advance,
Either of those skimmers will handle your system just fine. Performance wise they are going to be neck and neck, and neither of them would be pushed hard enough on your system to notice a difference either way. Quality of construction, noise level, and just sheer refinement, the BK is the way to go. However, it's still pretty hard to justify such a big cost difference there for the size system you have. I think I would personally go with the XP 1000 unless money was no object.
Hey Jeremy-

Your honest answer is much appreciated....given the rest of the build, I think I'll go for the SRO as suggested. Thanks!
