Black Mollies


New member
Ive received a few messages lately about my use of Black Mollies in my SW tanks. I ve found quite a few uses for them here are some of them: Cycling tanks ive cycled three SW tanks with them very hardy just acclimate them to salt slowly. Feeding fish, Mollies are live breeders and they breed constanly so there is a constant supply of frye in the tank, of course you might get tired of the parade of fish following the females around. Movement in the tank if you just cant wait to get a fish in your tank put a couple Mollies in there. Their cheap about $1.50 a piece anywhere and they are very hardy, peacefull and will eat out of your hands. They are not excactly beatifull and are not exotic, but very simple to maintain, and the salt is good for them.
yeah- my only argument is that its cruel to cycle a tank with ANY fish... no matter the cost of it!!!

otherwise, mollies are great saltwater additions, and not just the blacks. ANY molly can be used for this.
Mollies are voracious algae eaters. I used them in freshwater to controll algae in planted tanks. They must do the same in SW.
So since mollies are kept in the fw tanks at stores, does this mean we don't have to QT them when adding them to a SW tank since fw parasites can't survive in sw?
Cycling any tank with anything living is cruel and shouldn't be done I thought the whole process was to create a reef and happy environment and not hurt anything in the process...
a week? I just chuck my guppies in after an hour acclimation...

which is the same situation as mollies. YES, guppies can go to salt water and live just fine, with better coloration, etc etc.
I've had a silver sailfin molly in my tank for about 6 months and he seems very happy. He's fallen in love with my chalk bass and keeps trying to mate so I think I'm going to have to get 2 female mollies to keep him company.
IMO mollies are a nice and peaceful addtion to a sw tank.

Also since mollies breed like mad, They would be nice to have a pair or 2 females with the male just for live food. My local fish store feeds guppies to alot of their fish.

Their lionfish readily gulps guppies, flamehawk, eel, puffer, and trigger all eat guppies. I watched today lol. I never knew the flamehawk ate guppies.
Sweet, thanks Swan!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6980326#post6980326 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by goda
6 speed. no
they have to be aclimated to salt water over the course of atleast a week

I know they have to be acclimated. :) I was talking about Qt'ing them for 3 weeks for purposes of keeping ich and other junk out of your tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6980397#post6980397 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Swanwillow
a week? I just chuck my guppies in after an hour acclimation...

which is the same situation as mollies. YES, guppies can go to salt water and live just fine, with better coloration, etc etc.
I believe all the commonly-available livebearers (mollies, guppies, platties, sword tails) can live in fresh, salt, or brackish tanks. :)
i'm sure with enough time and tank space you could acclimate any type of fw to sw by changing the salinty very slowly.....most likely it would take more than a week.......maybe that would be an experiment for someone.....maybe sw cichlids
I had a dalmation and a white one in my old salwater tank. It was pretty cool, the dalmations white spots really glowed. I only aclamated them for about 40 min and they did fine. Also not all FW fish can be transfured into SW. Mollies, platties ect. are not actually FW fish, they are brackish thats why you can do that to them. Most all brackish can be converted to FW or SW,b ut if you put a true FW fish in Sw it will dehydrate and die, they retain the salt and can't **** it out like SW/brackish fish.