Blind Harlequin Tusk??


New member
I couldn't decide if this belonged in the "sick fish" section.

I recently got a Aussie Harlequin Tusk about 2 weeks ago. He is a mature fish, about 5-6." Since I've had him, I noticed that his "aim" is pretty bad when he is trying to eat. He sees some food and lines it up, but when he goes to eat it he misses. He seems hungry and does eat when he finally gets the food in his mouth.

From what I have read, this may be a sign of malnutrition, infection, or injury. I don't think its an infection because his eyes are very clear, also there are no signs of injury. I guess it is malnutrition. I am thinking that he came from the store that way, because he has been acting like that since I got him. The other day he ate a big piece of shrimp, today he ate a big piece of squid, and he usually gets some pieces of jumbo mysis or krill.

He swims around all the time and seems generally healthy, but he gets bossed around a bit by my yellow tang who is 1/2 the size.

I have been soaking the food in vita-chem with hopes that the extra nutrition will help with his sight. I don't think he's totally blind, just far sighted. He also looks like he has a missing tooth which I read is common and will grow back.

Could this just be caused by stress from the move? It's been 2 weeks but I am still learning with this breed. They have really odd behaviors. He likes to stick his head out of the water like a dolphin. Yesterday I must have spooked him when I was cleaning because I looked over and he was laying flat on the bottom playing dead!!

He is in a 150 gallon with a 30 gallon sump. He's in there with a Porcupine Puffer, the Yellow Tang, and a Dwarf Golden eel.
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