Blood Drive March 7th @ F.A.I.O.S.

Mrs Postal

New member
Don't forget and to give you some incentive to donate a pint- TBRC sponsor Fish and Other Icythy Stuff has a great sale tomorrow.

"Just because I can!"
Blood Drive & Sale
Saturday March 7th , 2015; 10a-6p

Make a difference and donate blood with the staff, family and friends of FAOIS!

The OneBlood big red bus will be here taking donations
between 10a - 3p.

Why Give Blood?

There is no substitute for human blood. When you donate blood with OneBlood, you are making an immediate contribution to the health and welfare of your community. Blood is needed by patients facing planned and unplanned medical procedures, trauma victims, cancer patients and premature babies. Your donation will help an ill or injured patient within a few days. The turn-around is that fast, the need is constant.

The community blood supply is currently very low so every unit counts; especially O-Negative!

All FAOIS customers who successfully donate blood will receive a money saving coupon.
Blood drive going strong.


This post was recently shared with me,

"The need is absolutely constant. Giving blood keeps me alive. I am transfusion dependent due to marrow failure and have received 45 transfusions to date with more on the way. Thank you to everyone who supports this. Without the blood donations of individuals in the Tampa Bay-area I wouldn't be here.

-Stephen Daries"

Reminder, our community is in desperate need of O-negative.