Blue Face Angel


New member
I have a juvi blueface angel and he has been eating off the rock and I have been feeding Ocean Nutrition Angel formula food. Is there anything else I can feed to mix up a diet with?
I feed mine fresh shrimp, scallops, squid, spectrum pellets, nori soaked in selcon and formula 1. It seems to work well. It was recommended to me to try feeding fresh clams, but I haven't had the chance to try it yet.

with the fresh clams? im guessing they should be opened but should we open the shell all the way or open it somewhat?

reason i ask is because i will have large angels in my 300 and i will feed clams but i want to make sure before any fish go in i have a good start on feeding requirements.
Put Nori sheets into the tank also Formular II and Spirulina Flakes.

As for feeding clam if the Angel is eating the other foods I wouldn't worry about feeding it clams. Also if you do feed clams or mussel break them open and feed them to the fish on the half shell. Also you can get clean clam meat without the shell.
MY blueface angel is a pig. It eats krill pellets, spirulina pellets, WHOLE krill ( just sucks em down!), mysis, brine, mussels, cockle, form. 1-2. Never had a problem with him eating!
Blueface are pick eater and some what shy in the beginning and it can take some time to get them to start but once they're usually do very well. Also you shouldn't keep a very aggressive angel with them. They really need to be the top angel in the tank otherwise they then not to do well.
He is the only angel in there and he does a lot of picking. Actualy thats all I see him do is pick all the time. I feed him Angel formula and the others eat formula 1 and 2 along with prime reef so I'm hopping he's getting some small amounts. He's about 1".5 to 2" long so he is very young.... I guess as long as he picking he's doing good.
Angel fish are grazers so they will go about picking all day. So it good to have some algae growth in the tank whether on the rocks or glass.
Thanks for the help, he should do fine. This is my fist angel or harder fish to keep so I am looking to do my best to keep him in great shape.
Make sure you get him on some Hikari's Mega Marine Angel food it has allot of sponges in it. A must for Angel health. I swear by the stuff. It will help keep the colors bright on your BF. Many people do not understand when the get a new Angel and over time the fish starts to loose it's colors. Sponges is the key. In the wild this is 80% of it's diet.