Blue Frogspawn Rhodactis


New member
I am thinking of buying two of these -- I know there is no such thing -- think of the label as a selling label or descriptor versus an id. I am trying to figure out what kind of a Rhodactis they are if anyone can help.

Here's a link:
the link just takes you to the site -- you have to go to softies and then these guys are on the second page.
Nope not a yuma but a Blue frilly or sometimes called Hairy mushroom.....Pretty nice color as well.
Are the hairy mushrooms as aggressive as they sound? Do you really have to be careful with them? I am rethinking my planned purchase ....
They can be, I think if I saw that one at an LFS I would buy it in a second.....I would just make sure I put it in an area that will keep it from touching other stuff and give it some room to split a few times......If it was me and I saw that I would pick it up just cause those blue ones like that are so pretty.
That's why I am so tempted. So it sounds like I need to make a little island for them .. maybe I should just buy one. They are very cool looking. Is there anything else I need to know about them? When they get big the est fish don't they? Are the crabs safe? Or are they just aggressive with other corals?
Those look really nice might need to pick one up to throw in my mushroom collection. I wonder if that blue is that stunning in real life? Hey juniormc8704 where did you order your's from? Thanks for the info.
Well -- I went for it -- will be getting them next Thursday. Will let you know. Froggyfeet? A 6 thousand gallon tank? Is that for your mushroom collection? Or is it work?
The 6 thousand is my tank at work. I work at the Raddisson and get to run the sucker all by myself! :) It's a great college job haha. I want to put this rhodactis in my 65 at home though to answer your question.

Thanks for the reply!
Cool -- I will post a picture of these babies after they arrive and rest up! My camera stinks and the one I want is $1500 so I have to stop buying coral! The reason for saying this -- is that the color will be duller ... but we will see what happens! Sounds like a fun job but why the haha --- still doing it after college? What are you 50 or something!!!!
Nah I just got really lucky and was talking to my girlfriend one day about the fish. The kid that was working on it was like hmm seems like you know a lot want a job? I could'nt really refuse and now I get to work on a huge tank, and I'm but a wee baby coming in on the age scale at 24 :).