blue hornet problems


New member
I bought some blue hornets over a year ago and all they have dome is get reall small and not grow any tip or advicei have 7. Other types of zoos and they have been doing well and multiplying thank you for your advice
Have you tried moving them to different conditions within the tank? More light? Less light? More flow? Less flow?

I find that the blue hornets have not multiplied nearly as fast as the reds and purples. I have mine at the bottom of my 30" deep tank under a 250W mh.
Not really I will have to double check though they fall down to sand once in a while I usually get them before to long
My red and blue hornets are my most difficult zoas... far more difficult than my rastas! Even the slightest change in flow (just slightly bumping a powerhead while cleaning the tank) has caused them to close for several days at a time. Fortunately, once they open again, they seem to do well and multiply a bit more quickly. If they have done well in their spot, are not being annoyed by a pest, I leave them be and practice patience (which isn't easy).
constant irritation be it fish/inverts/flow battering them or falling off racks not good for them. keeping them closed everytime not being able to open up fully to get food from light is not ideal.
My red and blue hornets are my most difficult zoas... far more difficult than my rastas! Even the slightest change in flow (just slightly bumping a powerhead while cleaning the tank) has caused them to close for several days at a time. Fortunately, once they open again, they seem to do well and multiply a bit more quickly. If they have done well in their spot, are not being annoyed by a pest, I leave them be and practice patience (which isn't easy).

That is exact opposite for me. Red and Blue do well, but rasta are small and slow grower for me..:reading:
same polyp can react different depending on tanks. As not one reefers tank is exactly similar to another so the Zoa can act differently depending on the reefers tank chemistry, lighting scheme, water quality, water flow and placement.