blue planet: corals seas


New member
blue planet: coral seas is now showing on direct tv ch. 284, this is a very cool show on the coral reefs.

just an fyi.
Amazing show, I've seen it before. Is that the one that shows the acro crab attacking and fending off the Crown of Thorns Star? That's awesome cinematography.
Definitely a sweet show.

I've got the series on DVD, and Blue Planet on Blu-Ray if anyone ever wants to borrow it.

It's funny who you root for when you've got a substantial knowledge of the diversity and direction of the Coral Reef System....
Re: blue planet: corals seas

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11941067#post11941067 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
direct tv ch. 284,

thanks for the heads up, what network is direct tv 284 so i can try to find it on comcast?
284 is the science channel, but blue planet is no longer on, though they have been playing it alot lately

edit - i just checked, the coral seas episode will be on again at 11pm
Kinda OT, but I have comcast too, and I've noticed a ton of HD channels in the upper ranges that aren't listed on any TV guides.

Where could I find a listing of what those channels are???
If it's the same one I remember, watch for the shot of one of the reef cliffs in a massive school of angels/butterflys/tangs. There is a huge bannerfish that is the monster of the reef and dwarfs everyone else. It's really impressive!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11941326#post11941326 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak

It's funny who you root for when you've got a substantial knowledge of the diversity and direction of the Coral Reef System....

So are you saying you kill acro crabs on purpose? I love 'em, I have at least 3 in my acros. Don't kill them, let me know I'll take them off your hands.
I love em too, but they get caught in the crossfire against AEFW. Tragic but necessary deaths to prevent AEFW from getting in my tank, which are much more negative than Acro Crabs are positive, even though I had a pest who ate polyps, who would have been fought off by the acro crabs. Oh well. I want acro crabs now, but I just want to make sure that they don't carry AEFW on them when I get them...

Oh and I never would have killed them had I known that they were in the coral head when i treated it, as I would have taken them out and quarantined them.

Doesn't matter now, because I saw pics and all acros on the right hand side of my tank are bleached and nuked. Some of the bottoms are doing okay. The funniest though is one Bali Aquaculture colony that I got from someone and rescued. It's so big now that the half that was on the right side bleached out and died, while the left side is still nice and healthy. It'll be interesting to see where it goes...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11942534#post11942534 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Kinda OT, but I have comcast too, and I've noticed a ton of HD channels in the upper ranges that aren't listed on any TV guides.

Where could I find a listing of what those channels are???

i couldn't find any more than range 401 to 440 for HD channels. I even call comast this weekend because they are running these commercials stating that they have the most HD (not true) than anyone else and 1,000 channels are soon coming. They couldn't give me an answer as to how soon is soon. maybe if you count the on demand hd channels, maybe. I know comcast will find a way to increase the bill by adding multi tier HD lineups in the future.
Does anyone have the DVD's not on HD? I manage a restaurant and I am always working at night when these shows are on....:(
hey it was really intresting i fell asleep though does it come on today ? o and i really loved the part with the powder blue tangs against that big school of tangs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11941326#post11941326 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Definitely a sweet show.

I've got the series on DVD, and Blue Planet on Blu-Ray if anyone ever wants to borrow it.

It's funny who you root for when you've got a substantial knowledge of the diversity and direction of the Coral Reef System....

where did you get this on Blue Ray? Ive looked everywhere, ive only found the old Blue Planet from the 90's. Thanks!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11944824#post11944824 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by adrian52492
hey it was really intresting i fell asleep though does it come on today ? o and i really loved the part with the powder blue tangs against that big school of tangs.

I loved that part as well...

" THAT'S why powder blues are so homicidal!" :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11945201#post11945201 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TorryRx
" THAT'S why powder blues are so homicidal!" :p
Funny, the ones I'm aquainted with always seem suicidal... :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11944863#post11944863 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clockwurk
where did you get this on Blue Ray? Ive looked everywhere, ive only found the old Blue Planet from the 90's. Thanks!

i saw the Blu-Ray version at costco last weekend.
The best price I've seen Planet Earth on Blu-Ray priced at was at walmart for $65. Cheaper than amazon!

Blue Planet is not on Blu-Ray and will never be shown in High Def, as it wasn't recorded in high def (even though as long as there are optical originals, it doesn't matter what they were recorded on, but regardless they've said that they won't end up doing a HiDef version of it :( )