Blue Ridge Coral - Heliopora coerulea??

A buddy of mine has had one in his tank for several years. It has spread out onto several of the surrounding rocks. He recently had a power outage that caused the tank to crash, lost most of his SPS. Blue ridge came through with flying colors. So, it must be one of the hardier SPS corals.

We have an event/raffle/auction on March 15. We have one blue ridge coral that has been preregistered for the auction.
I have some growing on some LR I got from Exotic Aquatic. As a testament to this coral's hardiness, when I first saw it, it was collecting detritus. I thought it was algae, so I tried scouring it off with a stiff brush! :D
It didn't work, it came back and looks great, like blueish-green velvet.

They get it in periodically, IMO they get some great LR. I've gotten pieces with various types of corals growing on it. Hmmm, that gives me an idea for a thread... :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11853939#post11853939 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jdhuyvetter
Blue ridge came through with flying colors. So, it must be one of the hardier SPS corals.
It's actually a soft coral.HTH
???? A soft coral that puts down an aragonite based skeleton?? I realize that it is in the octocoral group, but still, the skeleton is made of stone!!!!
ive been looking for one too, no luck :(

and its a softie disguised as a stonie :) actually thats whats make it unique and thats why i want one!
Well come on over to Fort Myers on March 15. We've got on for auction that has been preregistered. I can probably talk my buddy into cutting a frag or two.
I have what I belive is a blue-ridge, and its the size of a dessert plate.

Someone post up a picture of what you know as a blueridge and if it is what I have, we can work something out.
Mine is a little more burgandy than the one on the LA link and the polyps appear almost white. The polyps look like cotton lint comming off the coral.

It really is an interesting piece.

I will try to post a picture of it tomorrow.