blue shroom coral


New member
from the side they dont look so blue,but from the top thet are really blue,also they are spreading well when the light is on,is this good, thanx
Yeah my blues seem to change color constantly . They are the bluest before they start to expand in the morning after they are open they look more purple and somedays when the are really stretched out they have almost a red hue!
Here is mine let's see yours!
I got some of these and one of them grew on a separate rock and now has a nice green hue in the center all around the mouth, its really pretty
here's a couple pics of my fave shrooms.
my purple spotted crew:

my reds and an umbrella(?) shroom:

and some really neat purple/blue/green guys. these are my favorite of all:

these photos dont really do them justice, of course, but u get the idea.
I just got a rock from the lfs covered with those purple shrooms. I got them on Monday and they still havent fully bloomed. they get about halfway bloomed and thats about it. A few on the backside bloom all the way though. I dont know quite what Im doing wrong, but my water perameters are spot on. Im dosing Iodine which I heard they like. My lighting is slightly brighter than what the LFS had. When it was in his tank, the shrooms were booming, they were spreading and looked healthy as heck. Do I just need to wait longer or is there something I should be doing?
Might the light in your tank be too strong for them? From what I understand, mushrooms are more of a low light coral, and might need a lil light acclimation time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11189464#post11189464 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nacre
Might the light in your tank be too strong for them? From what I understand, mushrooms are more of a low light coral, and might need a lil light acclimation time.
I have a 65 tall with two 65watt pc
1 true actinic
1 10k

The lighting is similar if not slightly brighter than what the LFS had on them. Pretty close though.
The shrooms looked better when I got home today, although not quite as good as they did when they were in the LFS tank. I do think they are improving, so Im hopeful that its just an acclimation issue.
Here are my BLUE shrooms. I have them under HO T-5's but they sit under a ledge to keep the blue color. Not the best pic but here you go. Started with 3, 6 months ago.

Sorry about the "locutus" posts guys. I forgot my username from awhile back and started a new account. For some reason I logged onto a different computer this afternoon that remembered my old account. Im going to keep my old CaptainJack account and let the Locutus one expire. Sorry again for the confusion.
CaptainJack, that is one heck of a mushroom rock. If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay?
Give them time to adjust they will do fine!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11190948#post11190948 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kingfisher62
CaptainJack, that is one heck of a mushroom rock. If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay?
Give them time to adjust they will do fine!
Thank you very much.
Where I live in Montana, we dont have any saltewater LFS. I have to travel 112 miles to the nearest LFS with salt. So when I tell you the price, keep in mind I probably pay more than most people on this forum for my stuff (unless its purchased online of course).
The rock weighs about 4-5 pounds I would guess.
I think you did very well for a piece like that . I payed 16 bucks for my first mushroom and that was a solitary unattached one. My second buy was $50 for about ten red ones on one rock and $30 for a rock with about 6 striped ones.
you did great!!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11191486#post11191486 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CaptainJack
Anyone have any suggestions for care of these shrooms? Lighting, flow, supplements, minerals, foods?

I have mine under medium/high flow and under HO T-5's. I don't feed them a thing, they get it out of the water.