blue shroom coral

One thing that bothers me is how densely packed they are on that one rock. I realize that they should spread on their own, at least they did at the LFS, but I was wondering how I could thin and spread them. I'd like to take some of the ones that are getting choked out by the larger shrooms and move those to another rock in the tank. How would I go about doing that? Any do's and dont's? Suggestions??
Looking much better today. Still not 100%, but improving and giving me hope.
They will move on their own if they need to. You might be able to place some small rubble in between some in hope that they climb on to that then move the rubble (slow process)Or just cut them at the base of the foot . Of coarse what is left will eventually sprout another shroom.
Then take your mushroom frags and place them in a bowl of LR rubble and tie some mesh over the bowl and place the bowl in your tank . they will reattach in a week or two!