Blue snowflake polyps close up


Premium Member
Just posting a few more pics...more to come later I hope. These are my blue snowflake polyps.



Good focus. It looks like there's a bunch of noise in the photos, or is that just how the polyps look?
Since I am using a snap on macro lense it could be noise, but I think its the way they look close up. I was using a tripod and the timer so the camera was not moving. I had the ISO set to 64 to help reduce noise. From my readings you get noise when the ISO is set too high right?

Yea if ya ISO is high then you get noise. That isnt noise in your pics though, its nice detail and texture. Great shots man.
Thanks. It was hard getting a good shot since they are so small. PITA to get the camera to try to focus on a few so keep he whole shot from being blurry but I think they turned out pretty good all things considered. I am going to try to take some more later this week.

I think they look great. I'd like to see the entire coral. It is a softy, correct? Not a pipe organ?
That's not noise, that's the polyp. Sure, there's always SOME noise, but look at the second photo. The polyps in focus have that "glitter" effect, and the ones out of focus don't. If it were noise, the whole photo would have it.

Nice shots, and very pretty coral.
as it was said before if it was noise you would see it on all the image, where as here you only see it on the central part of the polyp and the branching so it's fine detail you're seeing.
Noise can generate from high ISO or longer exposures or underexposed pictures when you brighten them up a lot in PP.
On the other hand a higher ISO image or a longer exposure one would show less noise in properly exposed areas. so even if you use high iso and have a good exposure noise will be less visible
They were sold to me as blue snowflake claveria polyps. So its in the softie family. Not a pipe organ to my knowledge. I will try to post a pic of the colony if not tonight sometime this week. I at work now so hopefully it wont be a long day. They are really small though. I have tried multiple places in the tank and they don't seem to grow bigger but are spreading. Each little head is smaller than the size of a pencil eraser. In fact you could probably get two to three of them on a pencil eraser.

Thanks for the comments everyone...especially on clarifying of the noise. I have one more lense that is supposed to get closer than the two above and might try to see if I can use that to see an even higher level of detail :). Now I am really motivate to get off of
Claveria sounds right, though the spelling may not be right, I'll have to see what I can find in one of my books. Google didn't find much with that spelling. Thanks for the additional info.

Looking forward to more pictures. :)

PS: We aren't allowed to have URLs in our signature lines.
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Sorry for the misspelling earlier... Blue Snowflake Polyps (Clavularia sp.). Once you search on these you will get a lot of hits :).
No problem...I was typing too fast at work and fat fingered the spelling. They are pretty cool polyps and can be seen from across the room in the tank.
Here is the pic of the colony. It has a few issues. My clown fish would not stop messing up the sand and I also fed the tank so there is a lot of particle matter in the water that did not settle as fast as I thought it would. The hermit to the right also kept trying to poke his little head in the picture.


It is a beautiful shot. Would you like to have it used on my ID page? If so, I'd give you photo credit and if you have any specific care suggestions, they can be included beneath it.
Thats real kind of you melev, thats what I came on this site for in the first place. You should take up on his offer nightowl. Not only are you feeding more information to others, but they also get a beautiful image as a treat.
Hey melev,
It would be an honor and privilege to have the picture used on your site. Your site has been a wealth of knowledge for me especially the identification page and acrylic works area. I would love to help pass on information to others. Let me know what size the picture needs to be and any other information you need and by what date. You can shoot me a pm if that’s easier.

When I first started in the hobby I think I would visit his site like every other day or so. I pretty much read every article on there and looked at every video he had on there. It’s one of the first places I recommend to new people joining the hobby still to this day! It’s good to be able to help others in this way.
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