Bluefin problem


New member
I recently obtained lovely new zoas, but my bluefin damselfish are nipping them. Should I just kill the fish? I don't have another tank I could put them in, I don't want to kill the fish, and I don't want the zoas to die. Please help.
Petco won't take it aand the next closest store is 45 minutes away. Thank you for the reply, and I will try to take it there. I am only 14, so I need a parent to drive me.
Are they clearly nipping at the polyps or the areas that it might have algae growing on it? or are there pods scurrying around it that they're nipping at?
so get some one to drive you 45 minutes to the next closest store or give it away to a fellow local reefer. these creatures are taken from the sea for your enjoyment, treat them with a little respect