Bora Bora dive/snorkelling pics

The Nui was's billed as a 5 star......It may be a Tahiti 5 star; but, it's not an LA, NY, London, or even Hawaii 5 star. I'd say more of a 4 star at best. The grounds are beautiful; but, the service is inconsistant and the spa average. There is a Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, St Regis, and a new Intercontinental currently under construction that are all opening within the next year. The Ritz Carlton looks especially nice. I'm hoping that with all the new 5 star properties opening at about the same time that there will be some great deals next summer.....but, for right now, there are only two high end properties....Hotel Bora Bora and the Nui. Past that, the properties drop off significantly......the next tier would be the Sofitel, Pearl Beach, Le Meriden and maybe the Bora Bora lagoon. The next tier after that would be the Noveltel, Topdive, and MaiTai. By local decree, the hotel limit for Bora Bora is 1500 rooms....and the addition of the new properties will reach that limit. In general, the hotel prices are significantly higher on Bora Bora than similar facilities on the mainland or even Hawaii...... however, the outer islands like Tahaa, Rangerioa, Manihi, etc offer better deals for similar's Bora Bora that's expensive.
wow!!!! those pics are amazing=)

If you have anymore, please post. They are an inspiration.

was it hard to eat the maxima?
Steve, needless to say those are some awesome pics.
Do you mind if I use one of the trigger pics as my avatar?

Also thanks for the info. I am a couple of years away from planning a dive trip of a lifetime and that region is on top of the list. I now have some reading to do! :)
Ritz Carlton going in on Bora Bora? There goes the neighborhood LOL. I love the poshness of the little bungalows over the 5 star resorts any day. I hope the french don't fry their little gem by allowing a crap load of resorts on that island. Awesome pics Steve.
Great Pics. We sent November of 2003 and stayed at Le Meriden. Amazing and we keep saying it 2 years later. The Viz is like nothing else I have ever experienced. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Actually, the island politics have a ceiling of 1500 rooms...which will now be reached with the new additions. The Ritz, as well as the new Four Seasons, Intercontinental, and St Regis, are all bungalow accomodations.....just a little bigger than the other resorts on the island. My bungalow was about 1000 sq. ft. I hear the Ritz's smallest will be around 1500 sq. ft.
We just came back from Bora Bora in August. Stayed at Le Maitai in the overwater bungalows. The overwaters were exceptional but the other rooms would have been ok if on a budget. Can't wait to go back.

Did you go to the "Coral Gardens?"
Yes, the coral over by the rays were just awesome as well as out by the motu. Damn I want to go back.

Nice pictures... thanks.
Steve I really love the pics. That purple coral in the second set of pics is awesome! Do you know what species that is? And how would you feel about me doing a oil painting of the diver sarrounded by fish? I could do that for you in trade for a frag from your tank. I'm pretty close to you allthough I have never seen your tank in person. I would love to come over and see it sometime.
You're welcome to visit anytime. There is a local club here (PNWMAS) which has this months meeting next Sunday the 18th. Sometimes meetings are at my house.

That purple coral is an encrusting montiopora.

The oil painting sounds interesting. I would have an interest.
Ya I have been on the PNWMAS board. I'm not a member of the club however as of yet. I'm robz on that board. I was the one who called you the aquascape Jedi on the post for Randys new 300 gal. tank. I hope you diden't take offence to it. I was just trying to throw a little humor in there :) Anyhou I am an aspireing part time artist and am always looking for really good underwater pics to put on canvas. I think the pic of the diver is a great shot and if it is someone you know then it would be a really great surprise. Sometimes it is hard to find a way to get your art into peoples homes, so if you are really interested I would be glad to paint that for you. Let me know for sure, and I'll get started. I can go as pretty big on the canvas, so kind of think about how big you would want the painting to be, and let me know. Thanks for your interest Rob.
Actually....the diver is my other half.....but, she is very particular about artwork in the house. Pretty much all our paintings are originals from well known artists....some of whom have pieces in the Hermitage (sp ? basically the Russian Louvre)......she has a few connections in the art world from her days of working with a well known local gallery. All our paintings/portraits coordinate with our home, a diving/fish theme will not fit in.....but, there are other possible locations....let me think about it.
Wow sounds like she is a huge art buff. I thought that was probably your other half. I can understand your hesitation. I am not a professional artist by any stretch of the iminagiton. However would not have said anything if I thought I could not give a good representation of the shot. I'm sure you have tons of great shots from various locations. I have done some landscape paintings as well as realism. Christian Lassen is one of my favorite artists and is basically the reason I started painting. After a trip to Lahina in 96 with my wife we stumbled on Lassen galeries and I was amazed at his work. I have actullay only been painting for 2 years so I am still learning a lot of techniques, and experimenting with new mediums. I could e-mail you some of my work so you can get an idea of my talent level. Thanks again for all the great shots of your vacation. The sunset shot with the overwater bungalows is a real gem too.
I've seen Lassens work several times while in Lahina too. I think he is also in Laguna beach. I'll think about it....can you PM me with anticipated canvas size ???
We visited several islands last year. Riatia was my favorite. The shallow water snorkeling is unbelievable. Lots of clams and coral everywhere. If you are on a budget there are hotels to stay at that are not near as pricey as the overwater bungalows. Of all the islands we visited Bora Bora was for sure the most expensive. Everyone should save their money to go. The water clarity is amazing. Even if all you do is snorkel there is plenty to see, do make sure you have at least a shorty or you will get cold before you finish seeing all you can see.

Another tip. Go to the Tahiti Air website and sign up for flight deal notifications. There are some on right now, of course from LA, that get you there and back for $400 or less. My husband and I are getting up in years so the stop in LA gives us a chance to stretch or legs before the longer leg of the trip.

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