Bought new led light fixture from China.


New member
I posted this on the General RC Forum thread for Chinese Leds but thought you guys might be interested. Took a chance on this led light from Ledzeal. It was mentioned by another member on this thread and after multiple questions with China I was convinced. The unit itself comes in 24, 36, 48, and 60 inches. It's made up of clusters of 24 3watt leds. A 24 inch has two cluters and a 36 has three and so on. Mine is 48 inches and has 96 Bridgelux leds. Total power is almost 300 watts. Each cluster can be controlled independently or all four together. There are four channels and six modes. In the DIY mode you can customize your own power settings. You can do increments as little as 1% but you only have eight settings within a 24 hour period. It also has the fancy features which I don't use, Flash, Cloud, and Sunrise. There is also a manual mode to set a fixed setting for each channel.

The unit looks modern and sleek and well constructed. It does come with a power supply that is a stand alone. The controller comes in hard wired or wifi. Wifi is $50 more.

The led layout and spectrum is fully customizable. I took Ron Reefman's advise and chose a 2.5:1 ratio on the blue to white: However, I did get one red and one green led on each cluster. I did it more for color. For color growth there are plenty of blues which I chose two kinds, 450nm and 460nm. I also have UV and 12000k. The customized break down for each cluster is as follows, Ch: #1 six blues, two 450 and four 460. Ch:#2 six 12000k. Ch:#3 four 450 and two UV and Ch: #4 four 460, one red, and one green.

I'm very satisfied so far. It's been only a few days but first impression is good. As far as par, no idea cause I don't have par meter. According to manufacture on a 24" deep tank, par should be around 200 at 100%. All I know is that I had DIY Bridgelux leds prior to this unit and this is way more powerful. I still have my T-5's running next to it while in the transition period. No channel is higher than 50% until all corals are acclimated. Eventually I should be able to remove the T-5's and use just the led unit.

Total cost for the fixture was $450. That includes customized layout and spectrum, hard wired controller, remote, and shipped to my door. I got a break in shipping because I ordered two other units for my friend. If you order two or more you save $40. I believe that this unit in the USA is worth way more than what I paid for it. Here are some pictures.


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Looks like a nice light. Let us know how the coral growth is.
Definitely will show updates. Like I mentioned right now running at lesss than 50%. In a month should be good to go.
cool. I'll be following along if you are willing to provide updates. I like the specs you noted, as they are more along the lines of what I would think I would want. I have been kind of ruling out a pre-made fixture for the large tank build I'm planning in that cost seem rather prohibitive when you are looking to cover a lot of surface area. I've kind of been mostly considering a DIY, because I know I don't want halides, and would love to avoid bulb replacement...
I had a DIY for several years. Wanted to upgrade to a fixture that had controllability. Was hoping that I could find a deal at Macna but everything was way too expensive. I looked at all of them, Radions, AI, Maxspect, Acans basically all of them and I would have had to spend over a grand for my five foot tank. Decided to roll the dice on this and so far it looks good but like anything new you just don't know. All I know is that almost everything electronic we use is made in China so I think it's going to be good.
I don't have a problem buying a chinese made fixture, I do worry about buying from a chinese company, as customer service doesn't seem to be a strong point. I also wish that some of the American companies could bring costs down to something I could afford.. it simply comes down to affordability to me. I'd love to be in a spot where I can afford the prices they are charging, because I realize its quality product, and it supports American jobs. It's just that I'm not in that spot.
what are the dimensions of the unit? wondering if it would be a good option on my 220 or if i would need more
The fixture is 48x8x2 inches. I have 60 degrees optics. I get full coverage and my tank is 60x18x26. I have the light 12 inches above the water. Depending on your dimension you might need two units. All units can be connected together and run on one controller.
I don't have a problem buying a chinese made fixture, I do worry about buying from a chinese company, as customer service doesn't seem to be a strong point. I also wish that some of the American companies could bring costs down to something I could afford.. it simply comes down to affordability to me. I'd love to be in a spot where I can afford the prices they are charging, because I realize its quality product, and it supports American jobs. It's just that I'm not in that spot.
Would love to buy American too but as you mentioned most of us are on a budget and the main led fixtures out there have crazy prices. A far as customer service. Every email answered within a day. Most times within minutes. I paid for unit and it was customized and was shipped and arrived at my house six days
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according to the site I am looking on the S200 is a 4ft fixture

If you go to the site and scroll down to the Technical specs they actually have pictures of the units and their measurements. I forgot they also carry a 16 inch version which is the S120. They obviously use the metric system. The 16 inch is 400 millimeters, S150- 24 inch 600 mm, S200- 36 inch 900 mm, S300- 48 inch 1200 mm, and the S400- 60 inch 1500 mm.

If you need more info I have spec sheets and prices I could send you.
Cant believe something like this is so inexpensive what kind of reef do you have Mixed sps lps? How are your sps responding.
Cant believe something like this is so inexpensive what kind of reef do you have Mixed sps lps? How are your sps responding.

It's a true LPS/ SPS mix and softies. I've had the tank for seven years and had sps for about four. Corals did well under my last setup but I wanted to modernize. Like I mentioned, this is the first week the unit is on my tank. Time will tell if I get any growth. I believe I will. For me it was worth the risk. It's cheap cause I bought it directly from the manufacture. No middle man markup. Based on my research, a unit this size with this power should cost at least $1000.
If you need more info I have spec sheets and prices I could send you.[/QUOTE]

I emailed them last night. Looks like a nice fixture. If you could PM me the spec and price sheet also I would appreciate it. Thanks for the heads up on the light.
If you need more info I have spec sheets and prices I could send you.

I emailed them last night. Looks like a nice fixture. If you could PM me the spec and price sheet also I would appreciate it. Thanks for the heads up on the light.[/QUOTE]

Lostinthedark, I can't do attachments on PM's for some reason. PM me your email and I'll send it to you.
Nice lights!
I have a "similar" reef breeders photon 48 led fixture over my 75g rimless. My fixture also uses the bridgelux LEDs. Had them for one month so far with softies and lps. Too soon for me to notice any significant growth but everything is looking good. Good luck! Btw, how high off the water do you have them?