Box fish!


New member
I am starting a FOWLR tank 150 gal. My main goal is BOX Fish! Just wondering if anyone has vast experience with Box and any suggestions as to tank mates or other life forms. There has been some thoughts that they can be kept with crabs and a few other inverts but no corals. Anyone tried them with corals? how about with anemones?

Obviously they can't be kept with agressive fish but I do count them as aggressive themselves since they seem to eat anything that doesn't eat them first.

Also different versions of box fish appear to be able to be kept together but not those of the same family. Anyone have thoughts on this?

Right now I am thinking
Longhorned Cowfish
Flame Boxfish
Blue Spotted Boxfish

Look forward to hearing from those of you who have tried BOX FISH!
I have kept cowfish and was not pleased with the results. they are constant grazers as are the boxfish and will eat whatever they can fit in their mouth. Mine also had a tendency to come down with ich, this would stress it out and bam!! polluted tank.
yeah a UV Sterilizer is the ONLY way to have Box as they are extremely suseptable to ICH. The grazing thing is an issue for sure and I am wondering how to keep them happy doing that and what other animals can be in there that they won't eat.