Brasilian Ibitipoca Planted Tank

Hey, Edimar! I hope you had a great vacation.

If you can, get some Cerith snails. They have a spiral-cone shape. They will reproduce in your tank, so their population can grow as large as your algae will feed. You will have a variety of sizes, including tiny ones, that can meticulously clean every leaf of your macros.

Your pictures aren't showing. Maybe too big? RC likes pics to be no wider than 600 pixels at 72 dpi.
Michael, frankly, I do not know what else to do about the photos. I think I'm going to have to switch hosts. The photos opened perfectly after I created the topic and are in the size of 435 x 245 pixels. That is, they are not great ... The topic is getting horrible like this, full of photos that do not open ...

One of the photos shows the shoots of one red seaweed and the other, a general, from a favorable angle.

Anyway, I will look for another hosting, because in Google Photos is not working well, at least I do not know how to use.