Breaking down tank fish sale


New member
My friend is taking down his FOWLR tank and he has some fish available:

7" Naso Tang - $60
3" Purple Tang - $40
3" Kole Tang - $20
4" Yellowbelly Hippo Tang - $50
3" Asfer Angel - $60
3" Chrysurus Angel - $90
4" Blue Angel - $40
2.5" Tomato clown - $10 (I think it was a tomato clown, the gill have a white stripe)

He has more but that's the list he gave me and what I can remember. I don't have any pictures, but I can tell him to send some to me if he can.

lol when i saw that i was like damit man! but for real im really interested in the purple tang just let me kno when and where ;) thanx!
Lol, that was funny Matt.

Illal's first for the purple.
Bishoptaner, if he doesn't take it, it's yours. And if you still want the naso. It's yours. Let me know.

The mold wasn't as bad as I thought. I don't see any black mold, just regular lookin mold. When I first crack the wall open, I can small the moisture or is it the smell of mold. I was gonna take down the drywall in that room, but I ended up just replacing 16" off the bottom where the fish tank was. And the dehumidifier really works, it kept pulling water out of the air...I only have a 20L and a 20g container for LR in the room. Good little machine.
I think his tank and equipment are spoken for. I will ask him when I speak to him tomorrow.

PM me if you interested in what he is selling. I don't think I am allowed to list non-aquarium items here.

He's right around 441 and southgate.

Illal, bishoptaner, and simpler, when is the best time for you guys to go pick up? He's free tomorrow after 9:00pm, sat. and sun. after 8:00pm. It would be coo if we all go at the same time. :)
