Breaking down two tanks this weekend (hopefully). Free/cheap stuff


I've got a fractured spine since October and so my tanks have been going without maintenance a bit too long and are on the brink of a crash, so I think in fairness to my livestock, it's time to part out.

I've got a 75G RR Deep Blue and stand. The sump is crap but the tank is in good shape. The stand is good, but cosmetically damaged underneath. These stands wobble when new, so... just putting that out there.

Tank and stand are free, but you'll have to wait for me to get the fish, water, and rock out. ;-)

Two "mocha" clowns. The female is missing an eye. We call her Blinky. :) -- $20

Four blue/green chromis -- $20 for all four

One yellow tail damsel who has been through 3 tank crashes now -- $5

One engineer goby about 12" long named Heisenberg. I really need a good home for this guy and you should understand that an engineer goby makes a mess on your sandbed and be OK with that. I have almost 80 pounds of sand in my 75G for him -- $25

About 60 pounds of live rock, half or more of it is Tonga with one nice Tonga show piece shaped like a Z around 2 feet high. There are tube snails on it so consider carefully if you're up for that. -- $50

AquaFX Octopus which will need new filter media but is still putting out 0 TDS water currently even with a nearly spent DI -- $150

Vertex IN-100 skimmer -- $60

Skunk cleaner shrimp -- $5

There's cyano in this tank so if you take the rock you'll want to rinse it or keep it in some nice warm RODI for a day or two and scrape the stuff off I think. If you have a well-managed tank it should not be an issue I'd expect.


I've also got a 34G tall that was drilled but then "sealed up" with caulk and PVC and a cap. With some effort you could re-open the hole. It's currently a failed Walstad with dying plants and a leopard puffer and 4 neon tetras in it. All free along with a custom made (dark blue painted) stand. Just hoping to find a home for these guys. The puffer and tetras really should be separated because the puffer needs progressively more brackish water as he matures. He's about a year old now and at about 1.008 (the tetras are handling this SG fine so far...)

Let me know if interested. I'll be checking PMs/replies between now and the weekend.

Worst case I'll see if All Pets can take these guys off my hands. I just can't maintain these tanks anymore with 3 fractured vertebrae that aren't healing... :P

Feel free to make offers. I've also got some lights which I'll list later after I look up model numbers, etc.
Oh! Two big Brute cans, one drilled for the RODI with an AquaFX float switch. The other is not drilled, used for mixing. Has an Aqueon heater and a medium sized (old) power head for keeping everything moving. Both cans, float switch, heater, and power head for free but I've gotta get rid of the RODI first as I don't want the filter media to dry up.
Will be sending out PMs this evening to interested folks. I've got a couple meetings this morning and afternoon and then I'll dig into my inbox and start typing.

Steph, you're first for the cleaner shrimp. :)
As of now, all livestock (except the shrimp) is still available, and I've got a possibly, maybe on the rock. :)

tank and stand pending (JerSaint)
skimmer pending (JerSaint)
cans pending (KrazyKarl) (Please note one of these is drilled for a float valve but you can cap or run your own line, etc)
shrimp pending (Stepho725)
rock pending (gar732) (gar I'll try to get you some photos ASAP)

Anybody for the fish? I may need to call up All Pets in Southington and see if they have room for some rescues... :(

Hope nobody minds the shotgun approach here. Trying to get back to people timely instead of trying to do PMs in the middle of the night. :)
Also available is the CoralVue fixture in my signature, which will need new bulbs. I've already replaced one starter (for the inner two t5s). The other one is currently fine, but I think cheap. :) Paid $300 new, looking for $100.

I've also got one of these:

Which probably isn't going to grow any birdsnest any time soon but puts out a surprisngly respectable amount of light over my near-FOWLR and my soft corals were growing like crazy under it until my parameters went bad. I'll take $100 for that one, too. It's nearly brand new. Does its own sunrise/sunset thing and even has goofy buttons for weather and clouds etc if you're into that. ;) Controlled with a small remote and an integrated timer.
Heh. He's always finding a new hiding spot, and I was in the middle of Breaking Bad fandom when I got him. :D
Hi Steph,

I can send a photo but the tank is in very rough shape and definitely needs TLC. The tank itself is a 34G tall with some light scratching that's not very noticable. The back glass panel has been spray painted purple (don't ask) which appears brown under typical aquarium light.

It's a failing Walstad tank with plants in very bad shape.

Basically it's a wreck which will require the fish to be relocated while the tank is pumped out, cleaned, and set back up. Since I'd be tearing it down anyway, it'll be 80% done by the time anybody takes it. The trick will be to match the current salinity, I think, which is not quite fresh and nowhere near marine.

But yes when I get home I'll snap a pic in the dilapidated state it's in. :)
I am super imterested in the puffer tetra tank! I have a brackish Malawi Cichlid tank the puffer will do perfect in as long as he's about 1.5 in