Breeding Clownfish

If you breed them they will come..... Seriously though there are ALOT of people who are or have done this so it can be very competitive. It all depends on what scale you plan on doing this at and how dedicated your going to be. Like anything else building a brand is what will make or break you. Do you want to go retail, wholesale, or both? You can start by coming up with a catchy name, get a business license and go from there. With our societies addiction to social media you can obtain a decent number of customers with only spending a few minutes a day on the different sites (Facebook, Instagram, R2R, RC). You give the consumer either a unique product, or a quality product at a reasonable price point along with providing good customer service you have a shot at making a little money. Good luck if you decide to go for it!
I did it as a hobby for a year or so. It was great fun, I learned a lot. I learned it is a lot of work, and you might be surprised at the low wholesale prices for common clown fish. I ended up mostly trading with a few local stores and getting store credit. It made it convenient to dump 20+ fish at one time, and while I did not get top dollar, it was worth the time savings of trying to sell them individually.

I'm glad I only did it for fun. After adding up the hours I spent, it made for one crappy hourly wage, but had a blast in the process.
it all depends, on what you are breeding. if you are breeding hi end clownfish there is a lot of hobbies and collector out there. if you are breeding regular clownfish there is whole sellers that can buy it from you but the price is some what low so you need to mass produce them to be worth it
breeding is a lot of fun but a lot of work
If you want to breed clownfish to sell you should probably start checking how to start a business and what you need for Florida Wildlife to not come take them from you.

I would go with what Jrizo touched on and do it for fun first. If you enjoy it and are successful start a business.

I have lots of connections around the business but they only deal with legitimate businesses is why I made the statements above.
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Jrizo has a really nice setup. Stopped in there tonight and was really impressed. I can't imagine how much work it is to be successful
ClownMan727 you are more than welcome to stop by and see my micro farm
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