I haven’t used it, however my understanding is that Phosphate-E is Lanthanum Chloride (lan) which binds phosphates. It is well a established method, but can drop phosphates quick. It seems many people drip slowly diluted solution to filter sock, so precipitate stays there and change doesn't happen too suddenly. Or they start at lower dosages. I’d definitely encourage you to research how people dose Lan (even if it’s not phosphat e) so it doesn’t wreak havoc. Hope this helps!
Had some issues with Phosphates so I added a capful to my 180, in two days my 8 year old Black Tang died. Looking up on different forums that was the complaint from people who lost Tangs and only Tangs after using it. Wish I would of researched it first.
I use Phosban L by Two Little Fishes.
(That page throws the warning page could be risky but comes up when you hit proceed anyway. I do not know if it is hosted somewhere else. For some reason a lot of the calculator pages we use started doing that. There was a thread but we never figured out why. That one I could not get to but this one works still.)

It is used at the same rate as Phosphate E except you dilute it by 2/3 first. I have used many gallons (~10) of the stuff. My suggestion is to drip it slowly right into your skimmer with a tube that is just above the foam water interface in the neck.
Add it very slowly over 24 hours. You always want lots of phosphate for the LaCl to react with. That way unreacted Lacl doesnt go off into your system and precipitate out in the tank. You can see it in your skimmer cup in the foam as a yellow substance.
I have it on a doser so how much used is consistent and adjustable easily.

If you start you will find it appears to do nothing at first. When you remove the phosphate from the water it is replenished my more leaching back from the rocks. So you add what the calculator says and then test later and only see a light reduction. No, you arent doing it wrong. Eventually
the reservoir in the rock and sand will deplete and it will go down and stay that way. Then you have to correct the dose and lower it until the level is stable where you want it.

I have no idea how toxic the stuff is. People scream its poison and there are threads where a person killed his fish by just tossing the dose into the tank all at once clouding the water. Like I said, I have used it for years and each gallon makes 3 gallons to use in the doser channel. I only use like 25ml a day now so a gallon lasts quite a while. I think I am on my 4th gallon purchased which makes 12 gallons) to use.

When people tell me stuff is dangerous, my standard answer anymore is to ask if it is more dangerous that running 20 electric cords into a vat of saltwater and sticking my hands in. I would not drink it however.

Yes I have tangs. They are fine.
No dont throw a cap full into your tank. Not how you do it. Always have an excess of phosphate in your calcs so all the LaCl reacts and is used up. Perhaps better said like this. Never add a dose meant to take ALL the phosphate out at once. Think of it like this. As the phosphate level drops each little LaCl molecule finds it harder to find a date and react. We always want all of them to find happiness, become a precipitate and leave in the foam inside the skimmer. None wondering in the tank to settle down.
Just to say I did it I tried the fine filter sock method. Did not really work because the fine sock plugs up very quickly. Like in 4 hours. Maybe if you had a tiny tank. It was of no use to me.
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the instructions
Basic: Determine phosphate concentration in aquarium prior to first use by testing with an accurate test kit. Add product to aquarium near a mechanical filter or protein skimmer intake at the maximum rate of 5 ml (1 capful) per 20 US-gallons daily for each 1 ppm of phosphate present in system. When used in this fashion, 250 ml treats up to 1,000 US-gallons (3,785 L). Add weekly at same dosage to maintain an immeasurable reactive phosphate concentration.
My system is a about 650 gallons total and the doser ads 36ml a day divided into 12 doses. If I start getting too much algae I increase that by 10ml a day for a while. That being said I have never has phosphate levels over 0.2 before I take some action.
from 0.2 to 0.03 in 650 gallons takes 27ml.