Bristle worm eaters for sale locally


Would prefer a wrasse, but an arrow head or coral banded shrimp will do if it eats them. I have a 5 gallon flower rock anemone tank that has an abundance of them in substrate.
I would prefer a predator rather than a time consuming hunt for all the little ones. Largest I have pulled is 3", it was a whopper. Most are around 1"-2" length. Red in front of body, black or brown in rear of body. Came in on rock about 5 months ago and they have proliferated because I raise gammarus in this tank also and the worms have obvisously taken a liking to the same conditions and food supply (flakes for the gammarus shrimp).
Nice Lucky! Welcome to the virtual "hood". And the C'hood too.

I too have the little buggers, but I'm hoping to remedy taht. I've seen this trap before and didn't know if it actually worked. I'll try this too.

Tell me: do you know "Neuroslicer"?
Nah. Ive seen him on the board but thats it. Yes the trap does work as long as you follow the directions. Good luck with it.
Thanks Lucky. I ended up doing a 100% water change and rinsing all the rock in fresh saltwater. Everyone seems better today. One of my anemones is still not fully open but the other two are open and look much better. All hermits and snails made it. Only loss was my sand clams and my two mithrax and the gammarus population is way down. I pulled that big worm and as many as I could with tweezers. I have them in my new bristle worm container on my desk, lol. I want to see how big I can get them. Creepy guys though I must say. I have two types I think, or the half red half black ones turn mostly red with just a hint of dark along the back half (maybe digestive track, and they are actually red?) I sifted and sifted the sand but couldn't catch anymore. I saw one today munching on anemone mucus -- yummy. I'll try the trap once the tank has recovered. I don't want to leave any food laying in a trap until I am sure it is more stable. Of course, seeing something eat the little buggers would be very satisfying I must admit. I don't think I can be rid of them, but a predator would certainly keep them in check.

Bristle Worm Farmer