Would prefer a wrasse, but an arrow head or coral banded shrimp will do if it eats them. I have a 5 gallon flower rock anemone tank that has an abundance of them in substrate.
I would prefer a predator rather than a time consuming hunt for all the little ones. Largest I have pulled is 3", it was a whopper. Most are around 1"-2" length. Red in front of body, black or brown in rear of body. Came in on rock about 5 months ago and they have proliferated because I raise gammarus in this tank also and the worms have obvisously taken a liking to the same conditions and food supply (flakes for the gammarus shrimp).
I would prefer a predator rather than a time consuming hunt for all the little ones. Largest I have pulled is 3", it was a whopper. Most are around 1"-2" length. Red in front of body, black or brown in rear of body. Came in on rock about 5 months ago and they have proliferated because I raise gammarus in this tank also and the worms have obvisously taken a liking to the same conditions and food supply (flakes for the gammarus shrimp).