Bristle worms killed my clams


New member
I know lots of people disagree with me. But, I have found bristle worms living at the feet of my clams. Eventually one would sneaks in between the crack of the clam shell and the attached rock. Clams die within hours. I have lost 8 clams over a 4 months period where they are healthy one day(mantle open nicely) and the next morning they are dead. I pick the clam up and of course I'll find a bristle worm burrowing at the feet of the clam. All water parameters are within the normal range. I never had any problem keeping clams before, but ever since I bought some liverocks and livesands and many bristle worms from a local tank, my clams started to die off one by one.

Of the 3 remaining clams that are still alive, they are placed in the sand bed next to where my mated pair of coral banded shrimp hang out.

The thing about clams is that they die from the inside out.... so they could look fine to the eye but inside are dying. Bristleworms are scavengers, not predators. Chances are that the clams are already dying (which you can't see from the outside) and the bristleworms are just finishing the job quickly. Just my two cents....