Bristleworm removal


Premium Member
My tanks have lots of bristle worms. I feed alot and have fat fish, and the bristleworms keep the tanks clean.

But, what I want to do is clean bristleworms out of frags prior to trading or selling. Anyone have any ideas that would not stress the corals out too much. I have used RO/DI water, but it kills the worms and then the dead worms foul up the water in the bag with the frags.

Ideally I'd like something that would make the bristleworms really want to leave the rocks and go somewhere else. It also needs to be do able fairly quickly.

Any ideas?
You can pull them out with tweezers if you want, however if I were buying a frag and it had bristleworms on it I would be happy. IMO just leave them there.
No, you don't understand. The buyers do not like bristleworms. They are convinced it is bad, nothing I say can change that. I have to get rid of the bristleworms or keep the frags.
I'm new here but.. I have put my frags in a small 10 gal tank and put into the dark for couple hours with just enough water to cover frags. Put a piece of raw shrimp inside away from frag and when you check it 99.9% of worms are on shrimp. remove worms change water and do again if you have doubt but this works. I don't think there is 100% method that will not hurt frag.