broken thermometer in tank!


New member
Just the outer glass, not any of the 'red stuff'...but the little black balls (weights??)...

We got as many out that we could before the sand kicked up and hid a few...

are we screwed??

what are those little balls made of and how will it affect our tank?

We have 65 gal
75 gal sump w/ protein skimmer
a variety of corals
misc shrimp, crabs, snails
a few chromis'
and of course a bunch of live rock

We had a hard time sleeping last night, I actually DID have a nightmare...!! Most of our LFs' are not open yet (sunday), so if anyone has any info, please help!!

Mine did the same thing about 2 days ago, I didn't worry about it too much, I didn't take out the little 'weights', and the real dumb thing I did, I didn't take out the thermometer. Then the next day the red part broke. Now that's all in my tank. oops
I believe the liquid is just dyed alcohol (no worries) and metal beads ??? don't know what there're made of---but i would vacuum as many as possible out (along w/ sand that they are buried in). This happpened to me too---but tank was empty.