My TDS is coming out at 0 (atleast based on the TDS meter) I have been battling this for a couple months now. Coupled with water changes and blowing off the rocks with a baster most of it would go away for a day or two but then slowly show back up. I am tired of it and decided to just give it a go. Almost at 48hrs and i have no issues. I have a harlequin shrimp and last night i checked with a flashlight and i had tons of pods running around as usual.
I do however still have a couple patched of cyano still holding so im planning on doing the water change tonight, turning on my skimmer again and then friday evening repeat the treatment.
I have about 110-120 gals total volume. 80 gal tank and 55 gal sump. I should have used about 10-11 of those spoon fulls based on the directions but i only used about 6-7 so i under dosed. Next round i might take the dosage up to 9-10 spoonfulls since i haven't seen even my polyp extension being affected and everyone is acting normal.
I did however set up a air pump with air stone in my sump in my return section for added O2 based on the instructions. I added the stone pretty close to my return pump so every so often it will blast a bunch of micro bubbles in the main tank.