Bryopsis/Caulerpa Help


New member
This is a new tank, but I believe the bryopsis came from a frag from another tank. From one day to the next, I had a forest in one section. I quickly removed it only to have it pop up on the other side of the tank.

I run a 25g lagoon, and I have a skimmer as well. I have no other algae except Bryopsis.

I have done some research the last couple of days and a lot of suggestions are to use Tech M by raising the magnesium above 1600 for 3 weeks. I just don't know how I feel about this because of the possibility of harming livestock.

I have looked into biological control, ie inverts such as emerald crabs, lettuce nudibranches, urchins, etc. But they are all hit or miss. Just like everything else. I would like to try an emerald crab but I feel uncomfortable with them because they can also pick on coral.

Right now I have margarita snails, one mexican turbo, and astrea snails. As you can see I steered clear of any claws in my tank. Also from what I've heard is that bryopsis/caulerpa (I mention both because they look similar) thrives in low nutrient systems. But clearly if it is growing I have to have some nutrients in the tank? Phosphates test at zero...probably due to the bryopsis absorbing it.

I've been picking it out day to day, and I recently started skimming more wet, and the growth has definitely reduced but is still ongoing.

What do I do? I was thinking of adding dragons breath macro algae to combat it.

Also I do weekly water changes of 20% without a miss since the tank started. I feed directly and no food goes to waste as far as I can tell.

Thank you for your time!
You can run mag north of 2200 with no issues. Pump up your system 50-100ppm a day with Tech M and let 'er rip. It will help to rip it out as you are doing, and a blackout period (or multiple) won't likely hurt. But don't be afraid of high magnesium.

The bryopsis will outcompete Dragons Breath so I would advise against that.
I had bryopsis on live rock I bought from another aquarist when I started my 75 in 2/12. I tried Hydrogen Peroxide and it had ZERO effect on bryopsis. I eradicated it by pulling rocks from tank and chipping off infected areas with claw hammer. If you have not yet added corals, and bryopsis is infecting patches of rock (rather than whole tank), you may want to give this a try.

Good luck,

Thank you for the advice. I guess I'm just going to try the magnesium method. I was really worried that the high magnesium was going to be a problem to SPS, LPS, and fish.
I went ahead and ordered some salifert kits (40 bucks total on amazon for the big 3 - calcium, alk, and Mg just so you know...)

and kent magnesium.
So I understand that the recipe is 1ml of the product per gallon of aquarium water. And not to raise it more than 50-100ppm per day.

I think the 16oz bottle I got will be enough for the 2 weeks I need it for. Would I need to do a water change right before, and after the treatment just to keep things stable? I'll be testing the 3 parameters for the whole two weeks.
Kent magnesium no longer works on bryopsis. Some genius there changed the process and it no longer kills bryopsis. But they keep selling lots of tech m people not knowing it no longer works.
Kent magnesium no longer works on bryopsis. Some genius there changed the process and it no longer kills bryopsis. But they keep selling lots of tech m people not knowing it no longer works.

Can someone else verify on this? This is the first time out of over 25 sources that I have read.
I also bought the kent tech on amazon that has the reviews claiming it is the one that did it. After some digging around I found that the new recipe does not do it, but the old one does.
it's been nearly 15 days and I can already see a difference in the physical appearance of the bryopsis. It is way easier to pull out, and is lighter in color. 1500 magnesium was achieved 7 days ago. It is around 1600 now, but it already seems to be having an effect.

If this doesn't work I will begin dosing vodka once magnesium is back to normal levels.

No effects on any livestock. SPS corals are actually happier with the higher magnesium. Polyp extension has doubled.