Bubble catcher?


New member
Does anyone know how to make a bubble catcher for a skimmer outlet pipe. The problem I am having is that the skimmer I purchased with the sump setup I bought is injecting a ton of micro bubblesinto my fuge. Anybody have any ideas haw to cure this. Thanks in advance for all the advice. Have a great day/night.
You can build a small box (with as large of a perimeter as possible). for the output of the skimmer that forces the water to overflow it's sides before entering the rest of the sump. This will not eleminiate all of the bubbles but will let a lot of them pop and force most of the rest of them to the surface of the sumps water.

There aare various other things you can do that are a bit more involved. Baffles are a consideration, but you may not have the room to put htem in and keep them far enough apart to allow the velocity through them to be low enough.

A LR rubble pile is also good at catching a lot of microbubles and combining them into larger bubbles that rise and pop.
