Buffer or Kalk to raise pH ???

What is the best way to raise the pH in my tank. It sits at about 7.8-7.9 I went to the LFS and they showed me some Seachem buffer to raise to 8.3 or I read a lot of people use Kalk. I dose Alk and Calc with B-Ionic and those hold steady where they are supposed to. What will be the effects with each. Thanks!

Kalk is the way to go. I tried buffer a long time ago and it screws up calcium and alk proportions. My tank used to run at about 7.9 as well. Now I drip kalk, only when the lights are off, it is very steady around 8.5. Some would say that is too high, but that is where I keep it.

Visit the Reef Chemistry forum on this website. Lots of info. There are some specific things you need to do depending on which kalk delivery method you choose. I use a reefdosingpump.com, but there are a lot of other good ways to do it too.