Good morning my name is Chris. I have had a lot of tanks over the years and have always modified them in one degree or another for sea horses. I also want to keep inverts, sponges and some gorgoneia. I have not had a tank for about ten years so I am not up on the newest equipment and products. I am just starting info gathering, including your opinions and experiences. I just bought a new old house in western Maine. I just got our generator and so now I'm ready to start. I am going to have the tank on inside wall and want to run the lines to a large sump in the basement, probably a 10-12 foot drop. I am looking for some advice on tank shape as well. I would like a display tank to be at least 70 gallons My ideal is have the display tank and stand in my living room and do all the maintenance in the basement. I want the sump not only as a volume increaser but also as a place to grow pods for the seahorses. I would also like to have a hospital tank incorporated in the sump but with separate water. And while I am at it I want to build a nursery tank for the inevitable baby seahorses. I have been able to raise a few from babies. I have done most of this stuff before but never centrally located in one big sump. I want to incorporate a top off system as well. That's it in a nutshell. If anyone has some advice or can point me to an existing thread that might cover what I'm looking for I would greatly appreciate it