Premium Member
Hello John, please excuse me if my memory is wrong but I seem to remember you having a tank with pygmy angels and acropora? If my memory is correct did you have any experience with an Eibli? I have resisted the urge to buy one for years now but it's still there so looking for info. Thanks.
Lol... I own over fifty angelfish...

Amazing tank, do you ever go scuba diving in your tank lol? Also, how in the world do you place your corals? I' currently running a 20 gallon and lose my mind when gluing my coral.
With experience you get really good layering superglue... using that along with epoxy, using tongs as an extension of your arm, and using cable ties to hold pieces in place until the glue/epoxy sets.
Incredible setup and system! I showed my wife and her first remark was that we could never afford that significant of setup but we all have our dreams. Hats off to you for achieving your "œforever" tank. I told myself my current tank is my last tank but have always wished for a tank room as well. You sir have got that. And I love your rigorous QT process and the space for it. I think if you ever took it to the next level, you might be running an entire marine park with dolphins. When will you do tours of your tank?
Thank you... keep in mind I've been a nut since I was a child... and was literally planning this in my head when I a child... this is not something I just sprung on my wife... she's known my passion and it's the reason we met twenty years ago while I was living and studying in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. There is no "next level" for me... this is everything I ever wanted... any larger and I would need employees to keep it enjoyable and would lose my passion. Life is short... follow your dreams before you are six feet under. Every guy has a "thing"... this is my "thing"... and the good thing is that it's in my house... my son is always with me in the fish room helping now... and my daughter hangs out sometimes too... here's a shot I took of her a few days ago... like any other nine year old on her tablet... except for the fact that she's sitting next to her Dad's 1300 gallon reef eating a piece of seaweed meant for the fish!

Thanks for sharing. Any chance we can get a few pics of skimmer in action? That thing looks like a beast.
Thank you... I just had Dan Lichens over yesterday... my buddy from Avast Marine... he and Justin are great guys and good friends... one of the few companies that are gold standards in this industry... great company... great product... great people...
I remember seeing a small avast kalk stirrer by the skimmer. How much water do you run through that reactor daily? Is it the small model? I was wondering how you run such a large system with a small reactor, even though I know it's not running all your top off water. I would guess your timing the water to run through it periodically during the night and day so the water is fully saturated?
Speaking of Avast Marine this is the K1 kalk stirrer... I run six gallons through it a day... and will soon be pushing that to twelve. This is just supplementary mind you, and it doesn't know how big my system is. By running more water through it all I to do is add kalk more frequently to it... no need for a larger reactor... just the need to add more kalk to it.
Thanks again everyone...