Bulb Replacement


Premium Member
Ok guys, getting ready to cahnge out all my T5 bulbs, about a year old. I'm running now
Bulbs: 4 Actinic/Blue Plus
Bulbs: 2 AquaBlue

noting fancy in my tank but softies:
You think I should keep the same config of bulbs or change to something different.?
I have to keep the same order, the 4 Actinic/Blue Plus come on first then the 2 Aquablue....the the Aquablue off the the others

So the question is keep the same bulbs or go with something different
What is the actinic/Blue plus bulb you mention? I've seen one or the other, but never both listed together. They're two very different bulbs. Personally, I run a 1:1 mix of aquablue and blue plus, and I like the color that gives.

btw, you can stretch T5s a bit longer than 12 months without any problems. I think I replaced mine after at least 20 months, and didn't have any problems.
ok, that's a geismann "actinic plus". I was confused because ATI has one called the "blue plus", which is NOT a traditional actinic bulb. It puts out a much more visible blue light, but less actinic "pop".

Rogger's point has merit, though. If you've found something that's working for you, it's not a bad idea to stick with it.
ReefGeek.com has a bulb that's called an ATI color pro bulb. I've heard awesome things from them, and if you google their website they show a frag tank with and without color bulbs. It's basically a blue bulb fortified with another added something or other, but it really brings out the pinks and reds. I can't search Reefcentral, but if you did, you'd see some pretty good rants and raves about this bulb. I'll be ordering one either through Reef's Edge or ReefGeek, they're about the same price as a regular bulb.
Big Al's usually has a few types in stock, Reef Life might... I know Pat keeps a t-5 display going. Also, try All Sealife on Pembroke Rd (if they're still there, haven't been there in a year or more.)