VERDICT: 148.00 per unit shipped
If you order 12+ units we can do the d120's with 90* optics and any custom led layout for $148 per unit. Delivered to 1 address.
If you can get 25+ units then we can throw in any 5 leds with each unit for free. If someone orders 2 units they can get 10 free leds with purchase.
We use the I Touch units for most of our tanks with 90* optics. Sps seem to do fine. For a 2.5 foot tank I would recommend 60* optics depending on where sps are placed. If at bottom 60* will be best. If in middle 90* would be good.
Hope this helps.
Salty Aquatics
Here is what im thinking.
All 90 Optics
The white channel(27):
5 4500K Neutral whites(6500-7500K),
5 Warm White(3500-4500K)
5 Cool White(10000-14000K)
8 420nm violet
2 Green 520nm
2 660nm deep reds.
2 450nm royal blues
The blue channel(28):
20 450nm royal blues
8 460-480nm blue
What you guys think of this combo. I like blue