All you need to do is the following.
1)Decide on a week you want to run the promotion (Monday-Monday)
2)Make list of everyone's name that wants to join as well as the emails they used to create an account on our cart.
3)Make sure they all create accounts. If they don't create an account we won't be able to upgrade them with the new pricing lists.
4)During that week log in and submit your order.
Few common questions your members may have.
How much will the discount be ?
In most cases the discount will be the maximum quantity discount you will find on most of our items. Items without quantity discounts will have a different discount and will vary. A few of our items are already at the maximum discount allowed by our manufacturer and can not be discounted any further. This is mainly lighting fixtures and electronics like reef keepers.
When we are done it says we will be members of the Preferred Customer Group. What is that?
It is a special pricing group for people who are active in the reefing community. On most items it automatically moves you into the second quantity discount pricing tier, on other items it is a modest discount.
When will the prices be updated?
We typically update them Monday Morning at 10am CST. On the following Monday when the promotion ends we will permanently upgrade the accounts to preferred status at the same time 10am)
How come I can't see the new prices?
You need to log into the site for the cart to show you the special prices on your account.