BUlly of my tank!!!


New member
I have to have a war with this this for almost 2 mins before I can even put my hand in my tank..:uzi::uzi::uzi: This thing needs to go. Anyone know any DIY traps?

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Its easy to build a trap out of the white plastic egg crate and zip-ties...just loosely zip-tie the top to the back so it can act as a hinge....then tie a piece of fishing line to it and run it through the front panel so when you pull on the line it in turn pulls the top closed on the trap. Takes about 10 minutes to make and you can make it for any size fish. (Line it with fiberglass netting for fish that can fit through the egg crate.) I get fancy and zip-tie an algae clip into them so I can attach food inside the trap to bait the fish. Usually you have to leave it in the tank for a few days to get the fish comfortable swimming near it, but once it does it's easy to catch any fish...I keep my traps hanging out in my sump when not in use so a little algae and such can build up on them....it seems the fish are more comfortable when I need to use the trap if there is algae on it.
@ Codemonkey:I dont thing it would hurt. I just don't want it to bit me.. It would prob scare me more then hurt me . hahaha

@Wayne if I cant DIY one myself. Ill have to take you up on that.

Its a battle every time I go in my tank.. I will WIN this war!

Anyone want a free shrimp.
I have used plastic bottles (gatorade or soda), cut the top portion off and invert it so the mouth of the bottle (small side) is inside the rest, put some food in the bottom after submerging & wait. Usually you have plenty of time to lift the whole thing out before the fish or invert can figure out how to get out. I think the clear ones work the best. Only problem is you might catch several others before you get the one you want. Always works for me if I am patient enough.