Bunch Of My Zoa Pics (Image Intense)

I already told you to sshh sshh about the d, double o, d, double o, cleveland browns. You are NOT getting a frag!!

Moderator could you please encrypt any words like doo, doo, brown in any of my post. These are very rare, and I dont want people knocking my door down for these. Reef Junkie somehow found out about this, and now he is hounding me about them.

And NO reefjunkie you CAN'T have a polyp of my "DDB's" for a 100polyp rock of PPE's!!!

No, thats my auction! LOL!!!

Before everybody goes nuts, me and another guy do this on the side for extra cash. Yes I am a minister, but extra money helps.

Sorry this was brought up moderator. I am not a commercial vendor, just a hobbiest making some side cash.

I will be auctioning some AWESOME, VERY RARE DDB's later. (doodoo browns) Keep an eye out.... LOL!
LOL...I was actually gonna bid on that till I saw the pic here and went "hmmm". :) You have some nice zoos for sale.
Hope I didn't break any rules by posting that link.