bushy hairly green algae taken over


New member

For the past 2 months,eversince I did some trimming. My feather or razor I'm not sure which,caulerpa had stop growing. and the stem and razor part of the caulerpa had been taken over by bushy hairy green algae, I think. I have flourescent bulb 1 year old.

Anybody have any idea what's wrong?
Hey d2434,

I have heard that as bulbs age they promote algae growth. Since Caulerpa is an algae too I don't know if there is any merit to this in your situation but it coudln't hurt to try a new bulb. Do you test your water for nitrates and phosphates? Maybe if you lower those they will not be high enough for the bushy algae and the caulerpa will take over again. Mechanical removal of the bushy algae may also help.
