Busy day at the LFS's

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
I got busy today with all the sales at our fabulous LFS, (!) that I'm putting together all the goodies from the days purchases.

Once I got home, I decided to completely overhaul the Spousal Unit's nano tank"¦ I re-Aquascaped the entire thing, thanks to this awesome coraline encrusted Bali Rock I found. (I have two established tanks and I still hit the Rock Tanks to check out the Live Rock. I had two vats to hold the old rock, unmounted frags and water, while I decimated their habitat. The fish are still angry with me.)

Here I am tonight, doin' Shooters Pom Pom Zenia, after I mounted it to a Frag Mag:


It's about 20% of it's original size.

Then, the OSU ("Original $pousal Unit") has been wanting me to propagate some of our neon Green Star Polyp, so I fragged it to a mature (thanks to the LFS) larger Frag Mag Rock. I placed this high in the tank near the light, which it'll love and propagate to the back glass.


Here's the backside of the GSP, before I hit it with the Glue:


Before I placed it in the display tank, I mounted three frags to this ^^^ 5" long Frag Mag Rock.

Here's the fragging set-up. Clearly, it was a busy night!


I'll give it another day before I post shots of the final tank shot.

(It's still angry at me for beating it up, but the water finally cleared!)
Add some Kenya trees and clove polyps and your tank will be full in weeks! ;0) Seriously though, looks good, I want to see some tank shots. Whats the drink of choice on the table there?
Limewater aye! :)

Very good Gents! Yes... I was Fraggin'! (Ergo, proper tool for the job!)


Add some Kenya trees and clove polyps and your tank will be full in weeks! ;0) Seriously though, looks good, I want to see some tank shots. Whats the drink of choice on the table there?

Thee Original $pousal Unit wanted a softie tank - very doable, seeing as though my display tank kills SPS just to spite me. Yeah, Jay, I picked up this awesome (big) Clove polyp at the LFS. It's bare so it needs some "stuff" to get it going.

It's finally starting to look like something, so I'll post some shots soon.