Button coral - should I give up?

Deep Reef

Active member
Last month I had brown jelly disease hit my tank. Lost almost all my soft corals. This button was healthy then I noticed it stopped inflating. It appears to have one of it skeleton ribs covered in algae so the tissue is gone and its mouth is open. I have worked hard to get all my water parameters in line so things are on an up swing. Just not sure if this will heal or if I should throw in the towel and pull it from the tank. I had read that a damaged coral can start the brown algae process so I want to remove anything that could continue the problem.

Button coral - should I give up?

Might be a good idea to dip in iodine or coral revive. I also had an outbreak about a year ago - it can be devastating I wish I would have qt the coral when I first noticed it. I also lost about 1/2 my lps at the time

Good luck let us know
Well I removed 8 of my remaining 10 corals this morrning and gave them all a 15 minute iodine dip. Used a turkey baster to blow off any funk and put them back into the tank. My water has been good amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 2.5, phos 0.04, calc 400, alk 7.3, mag 1300, still working on getting alk and calc up a little more. We'll see.